Reviews for The Art of Invisibility
tjbwaldring3 chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
Very sad and very beautiful. Thanks for writing and sharing!
Flor-LupinSkywalker chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
Hear my broken heart... CRASH!

WHY!? snifff :(

Oh, Jesus. Very sad but very realistic too... Poor Nat and Bruce.

They deserve happiness. A lot.

Love your fic. Really Love.
Palendromical chapter 1 . 1/28/2016
This is the most beautiful Bruce/Natasha fix I've ever read. I've never been able to see them as a couple until now. Very well done. I especially like how the ending is a little Kafka-esque. Bruce could almost be literally invisible now and I love it.
damita118 chapter 1 . 10/29/2015
Oh the pain and tragedy... :'( excuse me while i cry under my blankets...
This was so beautiful! I've been reading fics about these two in my own lenguage but there are Just a few of them, so i decided yo come here and I found your history, and I loved it...
If you keep writting, I'll keep reading... :)
Telemain's Daughter chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
**distant sobbing**
all.soul chapter 1 . 10/10/2015
Cynric chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
I have been reading on Fanfiction for quite a long while and I have never had such an intense need to review that after I read your stories. You are by far one of my favorite authors, I mean the manner in which each character is written and displayed is with such vivid and clear illustrations that they seen almost 3-D. On too of that the why in which you make the relationships is both intricate like real life, but not overly dramatic like some fan fiction relationshipa are written of. In fact my favorite Bruce/Tony "bromance" comes from your fanfiction. My favorite interpretation of who Tony is and of how Tony's relationship too comes from your stories.
I suppose, though, you would prefer a review on this story not me gushing on your incredible literature skills.
I believe that the narrative of this story was awe inspiring brilliance with intricate wordplay and with few conversations that only further delved into the emotions and the surreal of the situation and of the story. The matter of which Bruce was able to become a person that through denail and in a sense through acceptance of himself he was able to live freely by living without the ever glancing and scorn of society. That Bruce was able to "live within and without" in such a manner and such a complicated fashion that Natasha even had some trouble spotting Bruce. Also the paradox of how easily the Hulk can be spotted and is talked of and how Bruce is even invisible to those who seek him as is hardly spoken of. I admired the conclusion in which Bruce's finest show of his skill was alos his final form if truly "living" when he disappeared he left a piece if himself behind for he is never able to truly forget l, and he cannot learn to forgive.
Again you are awesome and sorry for the mistakes, I'm using my phone.
avatraang chapter 1 . 9/29/2015
Beautiful. I kinda hate you for writing this, but it's still beautiful.
XxthesarcasticonexX chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
So... excuse me while I go sob in a corner.
I loved the piece, loved how you fitted the word unviable and applied it to both of them.
But yes, I am now crying in a corner.

modernxxmyth chapter 1 . 9/27/2015
NO! WHY WOULD YOU WRITE SUCH ANGST? Okay, okay, it was great. Really lovely writing as always, glad to see something new from you! Love your take on them and invisibility. Really nice work! :)
appalove chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
Nice character study, honing in on something they have in common that's not obvious at first. Ugh, these two! You capture the heartbreak of it all well. Thanks for sharing. :)
Black' Victor Cachat chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
How Bruce is able to disappear from society is not something looked at much, nice work.
Also very good POV for Natasha on Bruce with her subtle fascination with him
Sad but strong reason on why Bruce left too