Reviews for Sometimes We're Alone
DarkFay chapter 2 . 5/21/2017
Very cool! Would like to see where you take this.
Akoto3725 chapter 2 . 6/1/2016
I really love this idea!
Loki and Jane being able to communicate via thoughts is awesome :D
Loki doing this just for lols and to torment some poor soul because he's bored seems so like him!
And I find it good that he doesn't know, he's talking to Jane and vice versa. Also their voices being distorted is a good idea.
But what would acrually happen if this spell doesn't dissipate, like it was promised, but does the opposite: Grow stronger instead?
Imagine their voices in each others head becoming more clear and than they would actually be able to read each other's minds and emotions. Oooooh :3
And never getting rid of that.
I can almost picture it: Loki alway making snarky remarks in her head while Jane is trying to hold a conversation. And just when Loki becomes so annoying while she is trying to listen what the person (Eric? THOR? :D) in front of her is saying, she gets so fed up that she screams: "Would you SHUT UP?!"
Gosh, what I wouldn't do to see their faces XD
Another question: Are you going to continue this? This is such an amazing idea I'd really like to read about more. But of course I know you have a lot to do so I won't rush you. I'm just curious :)
virgie1405 chapter 2 . 6/1/2016
Very interesting premise. Please continue the story.
OfTheOcean chapter 2 . 12/15/2015
And now I'm excited. Will each other's voices get clearer, so they can discern whether the other person is male or female?
imagine the shock on their faces, when Loki discovers he's been talking to Thor's girlfriend and Jane realizes she's been 'thinking to' Loki, wannabe invader of Earth and Thor's irritating lil' brother. Lol, I wouldn't want to be in either of their shoes when Thor finds out. :DDD
Elphaba117 chapter 2 . 10/2/2015
interesting! Great chapter
the raven Munin chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
Mischief managed. Poor Jane is going to be driven insane with Loki's thoughts running through her head, it's going to be spectacular
rats xp chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
this is going to be a very interesting story, i feel it :D
Rainbowtootsieroll chapter 1 . 9/22/2015
I am definitely curious as to where this will lead.
Elphaba117 chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
Interesting! Cant wait to read more
HistoryISculture chapter 1 . 9/20/2015
Is this a loki jane fic?