Reviews for Dragon of Toulouse
Super-Saiyan-3-Vegeta chapter 1 . 11/16/2019
absolutely love your stories
Ultor chapter 1 . 9/3/2016
Great story please update soon/continue it
It's great very well written and love how it's set up please have it so the only quest lines in Skyrim he hasn't done are those that would compromise him Morley such as the ending of the dark brotherhood/and several murders that you do in it
cegi85 chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
If you dont continue this story I'M GONA KILL YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.
Alex2909 chapter 1 . 4/4/2016
kinda like how raki is being portrayed
IansInsane chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
Fucking Awesome!
Doom0117 chapter 1 . 11/30/2015
That was good and a really interesting idea. I would definitely love to see more of it! Now if only someone would do one where Raki became a vampire from the dawnguard part and could control the sun... and throw in Wabbajack... The Chaos!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2015
Great story, a claymore/skyrim crossover was long overdue. The fight was good, Raki did not completely dominate his opponent but he was also not knocked around helplessly (it was a nice balance with him using his allies/shouts to level the playing field). Also Galatea performed good but her injury handicapped her since she did not have time to adjust. Your writing is good, I could not spot and spelling/grammar errors and you struck a nice balance between
Personally I would love to see this becoming more than a one shot so here are some ideas/thoughts: you could retell the story as it was in the manga but with Raki being more involved eg have him meet the ghosts when they meet Riful or have him rescue Renee (I don't remember if she died but I believe we never found out what really happened to her) or even meet Irene. From there you could work to the destruction of the organisation/Priscila and perhaps expand the story at the continent where the organisation originates from (also if you check the lore of Elder Scrolls you will see that there is an "unknown" continent the Akavir which is inhabited by strange creatures. This could be the organisation's original continent and the island where the claymores are could be between the Akavir and Tamriel). The higher-ups of the organisation are unhappy with the interference of the "foreigner" and prepare to respond so Raki calls for reinforcements from his allies in Skyrim (werewolves, vampires, mages, the ebony warrior say what you will Skyrim has tons of tough bastards. Hell you could even bring Ulfric or the Empire in the story by having them claim the island as their territory). The finale could be some kind of battle royale or perhaps a duel between the strongest warriors from the two continents in order to settle it without a massive conflict.
The other idea I have would need a different premise. The dragonborn after the battle with Alduin is transported not in Tamriel but in the world of Claymore (maybe that Tsun idiot messes the shout that returns you to Nirm. The shout literally means "Living Return Nirn" so he mispronounces the name of the world.) where he meets Claire and Raki and travels with them while training Raki to use the Thum (claymores cant learn it). Afterwards they work towards destroying the organisation and finding a way for the DB to return home (I have no idea how they would do the second part though). In that scenario the couples would be Raki/Clair and DB/"hottest claymore(s)" (my personal preference of course, feel free to change it).
I hope that my ramblings gave you some inspiration and that you will write a story as good, or even better, as the ones you already have.
Downhillrabbit6 chapter 1 . 9/23/2015
WOOOOOOOOOO, Good quality SuperMegaMonsterFight. "I guess you could say Agatha..." *Put on shades* "Got cooked..." YEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!
The Canadian Patriot chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
I love it. I want more of it. I want more of it now!
Reg-DeCurry chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
You definitely got my attention. I'd really like to see where you can take this.
Lady of the North Star chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
Very nice, I was a big fan of Skyrim! Pruzah drehlaan dii zeymah. Zu'u qiilaan wah hin zul ahrk noot peluth hin stories. Dovahkiin
Guest chapter 1 . 9/20/2015
hmm... not bad. a bit more magical than i'm used to for claymore but came outdecently. raki and galatea's relationis cute. nice work.
Quathis chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
I haven't played Skyrim as of yet, but the idea of Raki coming back with Dragons as allies against the AB is very cool. Enjoyed the fight and the banter. Not sure if I can help as a sounding board, but I definitely wouldn't mind seeing this story continued. Until next time.
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
Well... taking arrow in the knee IS norse expression for getting married. Which kinda means all those annoying gaurds I butchered from time to time (then reload and repeat!) had families!

Great story as ever.

BTW me and some of the guys who know lore of Nirn better believe instead of "Dragonborn being found in Helgen", it was a case of "Dragonborn being created in Helgen".

It was, we theorized, Alduin's thu'um itself that turned the guy on the chopping block into a Dragonborn and even if that dragonborn would have died Albuin's presence would have created a next dragonborn and the next and the next until "The Last Dragonborn" fulfilled the prophecy of Albuin's defeat.