Reviews for It Takes a Professional
PF115 chapter 4 . 5/20/2019
Keep it goin' man. This would be interesting if Jaune was sent to Beacon for some reason. Also, perhaps the one the parts of Jaune that's non-witcher is his ability to reproduce.
Bagrat chapter 4 . 12/23/2018
I would love to see a reboot of this, I'll be following your profile page in hopes that eventually one will be released :)
Kifo Sotri chapter 4 . 12/26/2017
I have to say, I'm more than a little irritated that this chapter was just an author's note, but at the same time it's good to hear that this may get a reboot. I hope that is the case, because I truly enjoyed reading this story. I would love to see what Jaune the Witcher would be like in or around Beacon Academy.
Axcel chapter 2 . 7/14/2017
I guess I can always thank Jaune's massive aura for his survival of the trial without having had a lifetime of eating mutagens to prepare for it. Even if his aura is still locked it is still technically *there*. Or so I'll tell myself. Besides, when his aura is unlocked the strength problem compared to other Witchers would be fixed anyway due to the enhancements granted by active Aura.
human dragon chapter 4 . 3/12/2017
i hope that you will update this soon :)
Guest chapter 4 . 1/4/2017
Please make this be a garelt x triss because I played wild hunt and yennefer is an absolute b***h that shows no respect for anyone but her self
yesboss21 chapter 4 . 1/2/2017
Whens the next sparetime that you have to continue?
Sam hill chapter 4 . 11/16/2016
Maby have letho as a member of the school of the wolf
Jack Lycan chapter 4 . 11/9/2016
I wasn't really thinking in my previous review.
What I tried to say is that you should put Jaune through the trials in proper order so he can as strong and as fast as all the other Witchers.
Jack Lycan chapter 4 . 11/9/2016
In the reboot you should put Jaune through the trials so he can be a true Witcher.
Sam hill chapter 4 . 11/7/2016
Maby you could have where there from as there last name like geralt of rivia being gust geralt rivia or letho of gulet being letho gulet I think they have a nice ring to it
Party man chapter 4 . 11/3/2016
Gust watched blood and wine dlc and I got an idea why not have Regis as like the kaer morhen alchemist
Guest chapter 4 . 11/1/2016
Could you make it so there's a garelt x triss and NOT a garelt x yen because yen is a complete 100% b***h with no respect for anyone and never tell anyone here plans !
PS could you have ciri in this story be the biological child of garelt and triss because I never liked how witchers and sorceresses where starile or lived longer then normal people so if you could change those two things I would appreciate it
Party man chapter 4 . 11/1/2016
I have a few things to ask of you first is there are no eleves or dwarf so why not make zoltan a short ram faunas
And the second is you have letho as member of the wolf school
Batman chapter 4 . 10/31/2016
Hay maby instead of having jaune going through the trial just have him train like a witcher and then go to beacon and maby teams RWBY and JNPR go to the school of the wolf for a month because of some hunter , witcher school program thing .
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