Reviews for Seven Years Running
gabelou1991 chapter 53 . 7/19
gabelou1991 chapter 25 . 7/18
Intéressant j'aime comment il le découvre.
gabelou1991 chapter 20 . 7/18
J'aime beaucoup cette histoire..
My-Little-Poison-Secret chapter 43 . 9/27/2018
It'd be interesting to see how things were to pan-out in a batman/chuck/white Collar crossover, where Neal(Dick/Bryce) had to go undercover or something as Renegade...
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 53 . 9/2/2018
go Mozzie haha. The siblings and friends didn’t make it half obvious they were vigilantes lol having to all of a sudden rush of after a crime being announced
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 47 . 9/1/2018
Omg I LOVE JASONhaha and Peter and Jasons interactions sooo awesome.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 43 . 9/1/2018
Gosh I love this book. I love all of ur books. Wow ur a great writer/author
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 43 . 9/1/2018
Omg love the Batman/Bruce chat with Peter about Neal and the deathstroke story hahah. Sounding proud that Neal beat up Super love it.
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 34 . 9/1/2018
Have to ask. Who is Helena ? I’ve not actually heard of her before. Is she real or did u make her up ? And who’s kid is she. Bruce and ...?
Courtney Elizabeth1 chapter 32 . 9/1/2018
Gosh this story is fantastic.
Suzululu4moe chapter 49 . 11/4/2017
Oh neal ahahaha hmm I wonder if they will be roommates.
Suzululu4moe chapter 48 . 11/4/2017
Haha everyone likes the dog.
Suzululu4moe chapter 47 . 11/4/2017
Hilarious about him and the dog. .
Suzululu4moe chapter 43 . 11/4/2017
Hmm I wonder if neal will eventually have an actual form sequence.
Suzululu4moe chapter 41 . 11/4/2017
LOL the part about the Roy and Jason coming out of Neal’s closet together. Dang that line made me ship them.
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