Reviews for A Meeting
Jansfamily4 chapter 20 . 7/12
This is an interesting plot. Will Georgie help ODC with it without the added help?
Jansfamily4 chapter 19 . 7/12
So what did Georgiana hear?
Gaskellian chapter 20 . 7/2
Even if you end up doing something different (which is because you yourself are different than you were when you began writing this), there is no reason to say it won't be good. Besides, I admit that I really like when Georgiana picks herself up and finds her courage.

Thank you for continuing this story!
Colleen S chapter 20 . 7/2
Maybe just write what pops, from your head and heart! Isn't Life like that, throwing weird curve balls at us! So the story is changing but that is life! Plus the terrible corona virus is causing stress everywhere! So many people still thinking it's a joke! So kooky! So hard to concentrate, I imagine! I firmly believe many authors are intuitive and picking up stories from somewhere... so just go with it! Don't read your work over, too...that's stressful, also! Like a painter wanting to change a color and it changes the whole picture! You're work is perfect!
Colleen S chapter 19 . 7/2
What an annoying, pushy person is Caroline! We all meet people like that, though!
Colleen S chapter 18 . 7/2
That was lovely too! Wonder how I missed so many chapters! Really is beautifully written!
Colleen S chapter 17 . 7/2
That was lovely! I missed a few chapters not feeling too great!
Colleen S chapter 16 . 7/2
That was a great chapter!
Colleen S chapter 20 . 7/2
Sure seems to be going well!
Guest chapter 20 . 7/2
Very entertaining story
liysyl chapter 20 . 7/1
Interesting chapter I am looking forward to Georgiana's visit to the Bennets. Thanks for sharing your twist.
Deanna27 chapter 20 . 7/1
I'm glad Georgiana is on Team Elizabeth, so to speak.
nanciellen chapter 20 . 7/1
Great chapter. I love it when Georgiana becomes proactive. Thank you.
loulou25 chapter 20 . 7/1
Magnifique, merci pour les mises à jour.
Je trouve que tout le monde se mêle un peu trop des affaires des autres.
Pauvre Georgie, elle va s'humilier pour montrer son infériorité à Lizzy.
Caroline est vraiment une "peau de vache"
3tuxedocats chapter 6 . 7/1
Why didn't they visit for 2 weeks, and then only stay for 5 seconds when they finally showed up? Why didn't they have another visit again for the next 2 weeks til the ball? What is everyone doing with their time and how are they falling in love without ever spending time together? I'm confused.
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