Reviews for Going Ahead to Galilee
Veeeeeee chapter 48 . 12/20/2018
I enjoyed reading this story immensely. I love Maggie. Her backstory was the most unique I've read. Thank you for sharing.
Paul Lenzen chapter 48 . 10/20/2018
Damn that was almost heart whinging... Damn good job.
FalloutGamerGal chapter 20 . 8/4/2016
Firstly, W-O-W. GATG is BEAUTIFUL so far! Jesus woman, why are you squandering your talent on this site? GO PRO ALREADY!

Secondly, I love Maggie. Like a lot. She represents the human condition so well, with the entirety of its inequities included. All in all she is the perfect model for a New Vegas protagonist.

Thirdly, her relationship with Boone is refreshingly unique - totally dissimilar to the majority of the other female courier/Boone pairings I have read on here. A beautifully original take on the whole thing; with Boone being cast as a less shy, more deeply flawed character as you artfully shed his rough exterior and give us a glimpse of the man that Carla fell in love with. Cause we all know Carla didn't ride off into the sunset with the angst possessed, tight lipped man you first meet in-game.

I could go on but I should stop myself while I'm ahead (trying to curb my verbose tendencies here). Going Ahead To Galilee is definitely being added to the favs and I strongly suggest to anyone who might be viewing this section to give this story a try. It is worth it!
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 48 . 2/4/2016
The relief. Holy Moses. I almost teared up from relief. Good grief...
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 47 . 2/4/2016
Dude. I'm feeling an intense panic at this moment. Because even though it would make sense for her to die, that would be a perfect book end to compliment the beginning, I so don't want her to.
Nobody chapter 48 . 2/3/2016
I have never got to review in a long time. I finally caught up to the end (I think) .
Best Fallout New Vegas fan fiction I've ever read! I love Maggie and Boone he was perfect. Best I've read in a long time.
Okay bye :]
CrymsonShokwave chapter 48 . 2/3/2016
Nicole chapter 48 . 2/3/2016
Wow. Haven't reviewed in a while, but I've been following this story non-stop. Just wow.

Almost broke my heart this morning, but this was perfect. Sad it's over, but I can't think of any other word to use; this was perfect.

Poor Boone trying to get her attention, and Maggie just shrugging him off in a way only Maggie can... thank goodness she didn't know the way.

Hands down, this has been one of my favorite fanfictions. Thank you for taking us on that trip!
CrymsonShokwave chapter 47 . 2/2/2016
Been waiting for a new chapter to come. I definitely love the F-Courier/Boone shipping, and your courier sure does mean tough business. Can't wait for the next one. :) -CS
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 46 . 1/10/2016
Boone is completely right. She does makes friends pretty easily. She's got a ton of spunk and people usually like that. Bless her soul.
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 45 . 1/10/2016
I love her so much.
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 42 . 1/10/2016
I think it's funny that Boone basically just said what I said.
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 41 . 1/10/2016
And this is what happens when I can pick up on the innate good in people. We get gems like this. Holy Moses, they're awesome.
starryskyondragon'sback chapter 40 . 1/10/2016
Damn it, he's too...And she's just...Oh my gosh.
Nobody chapter 46 . 1/5/2016
I don't about this idea but I'm saying I feel like it should end with the independence of but in a tragic way. I don't really know but I have this feeling in my gut. I let you decide on that but don't dwell on my idea too much though besides I'm your other reviewers have some other idea too ( probabbly better than mines anyway) that's if they post something.
Anyways it's been awhile since I did my review I want the past updated chapyers were really good especially ch. 45 I busted up laughing at the end. It was really. Sorry that I didn't get a chance to review that much.
I'd be surprise if Boone gets shot in the ass again.
Okay bye :]
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