Reviews for Gunpowder and Cinnamon
whyamiupsolate chapter 18 . 11/19/2019
I hate, I don't, but you CANNOT just end the chapter that way! PURE TORTURE! Definitely had the ship sail a few chapters back...Reaver and Eliza for the win
Nxrdist chapter 18 . 5/18/2019
Can’t wait for the next chapter
BloodAssassin chapter 18 . 3/28/2019
Adsafafjadfh I've been reading this since the start of my high school years and now that I'm in my senior years, I just feel so old ermergerd XDD This is the longest fanfiction I have stuck with over the years and it's still beautifully written! Good to know that you're still active! I hope you're well! Btw I love the chapter, dying to see what will happen next aaaaaaa! w
mirxu chapter 18 . 3/25/2019
I am happy that I found your story. Great tension between Eliza and Reaver. Can't wait to see where this goes..
Guest chapter 17 . 2/17/2019
Is this going to be updated again?
BloodAssassin chapter 17 . 8/30/2018
HMHMHMHM! NOICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE XD I'm loving this after the last chapter, so interesting~
ArianaIsAWESUM chapter 17 . 8/21/2018
I’m so happy you’re back! Love this story so far
whyamiupsolate chapter 17 . 8/19/2018
Well that was quite the comeback! I cannot wait for the next chapter! I connect with Eliza so well (in some ways, anyway) and at times wish I had more of the courage to speak my mind like she does. She is such a well-written character, very realistic with both positive characteristics and flaws. As I read each chapter, i find myself wavering back and forth following her thoughts about whether Reaver can be trusted (and redeemed enough to earn her love - at least how I am reading this, he has already captured her lust, but whether he can earn her love will be determined by his future actions). However as you know, I am a bit of a hopeless romantic and am totally rooting for Reaver to have several redeemable qualities that he has buried deep down in his horrid lifestyle and that his true feelings for Eliza bring these qualities out of hiding so that them and Emma and Ben can have happily ever after. (But you know, I may have read one too many Christian romances and have grown accustomed to happy endings, because they always have happy endings). Anywho, another great chapter!
AlectoRuby chapter 16 . 8/10/2018
OMG this story is amazing! I love how you have captured all of the characters so well. Looking forward to the next update, I can't wait to read more!
Grateful fan chapter 16 . 3/5/2018
This is so well written thank u for writing GOOD fable fanfiction !
Warrior from the north chapter 16 . 3/3/2018
This is an amazing story. I really love how accurately you described Reaver, which is one of the best Fable characters of all time, and how the story flow perfectly. Please update soon and keep up the good work!
BloodAssassin04 chapter 16 . 2/15/2018
Whyamiupsolate chapter 16 . 2/5/2018
Wonderful chapter like always! It kept me hooked from beginning to end and had my heart racing. As a bit of a romantic, I hope Reaver actually loves her in the end (and I think that's where you're leading) and that he stops trying to show her physically because Eliza will never think he is serious until he stops pushing her boundaries. Even though her boundaries may waiver as she starts to return the affection (and desire), she would most likely hate herself and Reaver for getting tricked and letting Reaver past her boundaries until something happens to show her that she is not just Reaver's next conquest and that he truly cares about her all around.

Of course for a horrible twist ending where things happen like we were talking the other day and they spend the night together (perhaps starting like in this chapter then cutting to the next morning and their in bed together). Then Reaver kicks them all out of his house and moves on to the next conquest after congratulating himself on such talented and emotional acting. He could even thank his acomplices - Alyssa and the thief for helping manipulate Eliza's emotions and getting her into his bed after all the years of chasing her.

But please, please don't do that! That is a horrible, evil, soul-crushing ending that I hate and am a little shocked I came up with it because I much prefer happy endings (although, technically it would be a happy ending for Reaver).
LuciferLovesMehh chapter 16 . 2/2/2018
Amazing chapter! Looking forward to more :)
ArianaIsAWESUM chapter 15 . 1/11/2018
Loooooove it! I can’t wait to read more!
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