Reviews for Sweet Nothing (MakoHaru)
KissinXirony247 chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
Ooooooh! I like reading about a high makoto. Your story is great, I hope you keep writing and update soon. Also I myself smoke weed all the time and it offends me to hear weed called a drug. Like calling a virgin a slut. Otherwise you have a very easy going writing style I look for. I'm impressed and would like to read what happens next please load a new chapter or two soon!
NoahEarlGraves chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
...this is seriously really good. poor makoto! he's such a sweet person. he must be reaaallyy desperate to resort to drugs lk that TTATT please continue!
Anonymous S chapter 1 . 11/28/2015
Loved the plot. The character were close to their OC. Hope to read the next chapter soon.
Thanks n good luck :)
Mimi chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
Your fic is so..i dont have the right words but it definitely got me hooked from the start! Always looking forward to stories like these that show other sides to the characters, especially towards Makoto~ I cant wait to read what is coming next Damn Makoto have some explaining to do xD
piedos1988 chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
you need to hurry cuz i need to know what happens next!