Reviews for i guess i'm stuck with me
Guest chapter 7 . 5/9
this was a beautiful experience. Kiba is SUCH a good friend. I love him and I love him and Shino dearly. I love how he admitted out loud that the dynamic has already changed with Shino's confession to him, so he just had to be brave and tell her, risk it all.
And then he even took her to see Kurenai, their teacher, the conversatoin thehy had it was so sweet. You really weren't kidding about making that appointment with the dentist, man this was sweeet. This was so perfect. I can't believe how much I enjoyed this
Guest chapter 6 . 5/9
This was soo so beautifully written especially the part where Shino thinks that Hinata's innocence, purity and kindness had a way of crossing thresholds and allowing poeple to let her in on their vulnerabilities. You have done such a beautiful job with this
Guest chapter 5 . 5/9
I vaguely remember their team going on a mission with team Kakashi but for the life of me I can't remember for what purposes, it has been tooo many yeasrs since then. But wow, this was just something else. YOUR charactereization of shino is SO on poiint. Like I am so impressed. Even I never stopped to consider how alike Shino and Naruto have been. Just I loved everything baout the exchange Shino and Hinata had. It was so close and personal
Guest chapter 4 . 5/9
WoW this was so incredibly realistic. While I do think Hinata would have been the right kind of link to form a good friendship between Kiba and Shino , and Kiba would have done an excellent job of being both Shino and Hinata''s friend for exacltly the reasons you mentiond and would have known both about the other if they were ever to sit and do a "who knows me better challenge" ... I never really focused too much on what a friendship between Shino and Hinata could have been but I think I imagined it to be just as you wrote it. Like they would have been very comfortable and accepting of each other but wouldn't know something as basic as Hinata's mother not being alive.

Your writing is so incredibly realistic
Guest chapter 3 . 5/9
ahahahahaaha Neji shouldn't have had to die to fuel NaruHina. Honestly if he had become relevant in the later years and had died of his own accord in the ward, in addition to a few other of the Konoha 11. Maybe it would have left a bigger impact and not such a bitter taaste in our hearts and minds. Like- anyway I do not want to get into this.

But oh my god that little moment between nejiten. HOW I SHIPPED THE TWO OF THEM TO THE MOON AND BACK, just to see them so vulnerable and that too through Shino'e eyes, was so heartwarming. Oh man.

I love how he is so realistic and logical about love, aww my little bug baby.
Alslo the bit about Asuma dying was so, so good. We got a lot of focus on how it affected team 10 of course because he was their sensei and he meant so much to the three children, but we were never given a scene where team 8 counselled their own sensei of the loss she felt. Or spend time around her or just how they would have suffered without their sensei and how pained they would have been. So, thank you for writing that in.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/9
hahaah I type this on almost any team fic I readd, that, that particular team is a team I love. But the thing is I love all of the rookie 9 with a burning passion. Everyone in the team 8 with exception of Hinata, I loved deeply. I did not hate Hinata- it's just that I didn't love her as much as I loved Kiba and Shino and Kureni- this is getting off topic-anyway

SO i am very protective of Kiba and Shino's friendship because I feel in my hearts of hearts that they are best friends, truly but that their personalities are so starkly different that they needed someone as gentle as Hinata and someone as calming as kureni to ground them to each other. SO i was so incredibly happpy when little Shino was wrote in to feel accepted by not only Hinata but Kiba as well, and that too, so openly..
I love how you wrote that he felt incredilbly close to Kiba and that he felt jealous over their shared love and friendship of Naruto- it is such a common human feeling.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9
Okay So going into this I do not know what to expect because

a) ive only ever shiipped Hinata with absolutely nobdoy
b) there might have been a brief moment when I was like 10/11 when I might have shipped her with Kiba

So, like the idea of her with Shino? I had never even thought of it in my head. But it intrigued me so much that I clicked on this fic to read it.
So far it's just so incredibly painful that Shino iis being treated this way. And it is so sad that the children are bullying him and it always makes me wonder did those children ever graduate to become genin because so many people would bully Naruto as well and it was hardly any of the rookie 9 because they were fairly decent children.

it is nice to see some Kiba and naruto mentions. I hope he finds his friends soon.
Dobbyhasnomastr chapter 7 . 5/9/2019
I absolutely loved this story! I feel like they would be together. I'm a bit sad we didn't get to see more of them as a couple but the end was still very satisfying.
Guest chapter 7 . 1/14/2019
Ah! Darn you onion-cutting ninjas!
*shakes fist*
Dragon'sHost chapter 7 . 7/13/2018
This was such a touching story. I loved how you built up everything gradually, and the way you developed and wrote Shino. Fantastic fic.
Guest chapter 7 . 6/5/2018
I have probably read this a million times and I cannot stop. So well written, the characters are delightful, please please please write more. I adore this so much.
chichee chapter 7 . 4/20/2018
Hands down the best shinohina fanfic on this site that’s COMPLETED. You captured shino’s personality perfectly, especially his worries and fears- which is a huge fear considering how i hard I think shino is to write as a character. I love this fic- it was perfectly sweet and the length was perfect AND its complete (Cannot stress that enough). You’re an amazing writer and if you ever considering writing more shinohina I’ll be looking out for them.
Thank you for writing this fic!
Pillowchan87 chapter 7 . 11/5/2017
This was sweet. Thank you for writting itm
KitKatssie chapter 7 . 7/3/2017
I really love this! I feel like you wrote Shino incredibly well, and the closeness of Team 8 made me really happy! Hinata and Shino's relationship was so sweet. I laughed at the failed kiss lol. It was a wonderful read, thank you for writing it!
blob80 chapter 7 . 6/9/2017
i loved kiba in this. All of team eight was spot on actually. i see so few fics from shino's perspective (and in character at that). thank you. i thoroughly enjoyed your story
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