Reviews for Run To You
DutchGirlxxx chapter 1 . 10/21/2016
Your stories are written with so much pleasure that I have only one remark, pleasssssssse write more stories and more chapters. The garden story was enchanted and I loved it. The Tie was really to short, I felt that I was missing a lot of story-parts. This one was also with a lot of power feelings from Jack (and Mac). And the Book was very nice. I had red the original and loved the naughty story and yours also.

So I really hope that everything is oke with you and that you can post new stories .
SJM chapter 3 . 5/9/2016
Wonderful depiction of constable Marston and his thoughts about the inspector and the events as they unfold. Lovely paragraph where Phryne is thinking about the change in Jack (season 3) sending her mixed messages. The rest is 'just about perfect' a mixture of tenderness, reflection, and passion . Then the completely in character, in story, wrap up of the Compton episode. Very creative story ideas, well written,and respectful. Loved it.
SJM chapter 2 . 5/9/2016
Well thought out action. Train, Mr. Butler meeting Jack, Collins calling ahead for transportation,The driver's kid brother, just delightful. Also liked the reflection about Jack before Phryne entered his life, and how she literally dragged him back to life by his lapels. Wonderful analogy. Not sure 'self pity' is the description I visualize for his reticence. After loosing friends and comrades in war and experiencing the horrible carnage, solders often experience depression, repressing feelings as a form of self protection. They may feel guilt because they are alive while others are not and have difficulty reengaging with life or experiencing happiness or joy. I feel Jack wasn't engaged in self pity, but more like restrained, closed down emotionally, using his job as an lifeline. Just my take on this. Love your story and unexpected idea on how Jack could actually follow and catch up with Phryne so quickly.
SJM chapter 1 . 5/9/2016
Very creative idea about Jack heading to Adelaide. Love Mac and always felt she no doubt knows Phryne best and how how she feels about Jack, which is very different from other men Phryne has cared for. Can't wait to learn how Jack will manage this feat since we've seen he is a bit apprehensive about speed, at least when Phryne is driving.
Romantic Nerd chapter 3 . 10/8/2015
I enjoyed your story. Very romantic. What we wished came true. Thanks.
rohrstuff chapter 3 . 10/7/2015
Absolutely wonderful. I thought the chapter too short!
BritishMidget chapter 3 . 10/7/2015
Its about time she apologised for what happened with Compton. You have explained the situation exactly the way I wished they had during the series. That particular episode has always been a bit of a worry to me, it really didn't seem to fit in to the romance that was finally blossoming between them particularly as he had just said to her that he wouldn't be one of her parade of men and in the next episode she is getting involved with yet someone else in her parade of men. Weird. What a lovely ending to your story though. I always love the ones where Phryne tells Jack that she cares deeply for him rather than just expecting him to know. Thank you.
Bellairian chapter 3 . 10/6/2015
Awww, I love the Eskimo kisses! You've done a very clever thing with the coat swapping and Phryne subsequently sleeping in Jack's coat and then using it as a robe to have the conversation that allows them to go forward and get rid of the Compton ballast..
JustMeMusing chapter 2 . 9/2/2015
So sweet, just lovely. Thankyou!
izzyandlouie chapter 2 . 8/30/2015
Oh I'm so glad they didn't miss each other. What now?
izzyandlouie chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
I always sense an affinity between Jack and Mac - you described their feelings and thoughts so well. Run Jack run!
balticstar chapter 2 . 8/30/2015
Loved it!
iamdarkandtwisty chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
lovely opening!
Bellairian chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
Fabulous concept, even more fabulous writing, especially the paragraph (fifth, I think) where Mac sees Jack's pain. Aching stillness. Gorgeous.
jmar chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
Sigh...this just seems so perfect! :-)
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