Reviews for Home
Kat A. Coop chapter 1 . 3/25/2017
Oh wow. That was precious:)
Panry chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
This is adorable! I love it, and bucky..ahh. Home sweet home
GenderbentDragonRider chapter 1 . 11/29/2015
This was so sweet, I'm glad you wrote this! XD
You know who chapter 1 . 8/31/2015
THIS IS AN AMAZING STORY! THE FEELS ARE GOING CRAZY! And Illogical1 don't listen to Capfan! Capfan is just jealous that they can not write as good as you! Keep writing Illogical1 you're amazing!
You know who chapter 1 . 8/30/2015
THE FEELS! I know which picture you are talking about but I can't remember the name either. But the feels in this story! You are an amazing writer!
Steve-Feels-Hurt chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
Wow... I love this

This is so beautiful...

This would be a wonderful AU. Different from all of the pain that the movies and comics bring.

Even though it is so different from the movies it still kinda fits cuz it shows how much Brooklyn/Steve means to Bucky.

So painful, so beautiful...

Keep it up!

Illogical1 chapter 1 . 8/28/2015

First of all I appreciate that you have your on opinions and are entitled to them. But you can go about expressing them in a nicer way.

Secondly, AU means 'alternate universe'. Therefor, ANYTHING I want can happen. In my Fic, Steve did not become Captain America, and Bucky was still captured. Steve did not try to rescue Bucky and therefor the building did not explode. Bucky did not die in the Hydra base and they went ahead and made him into the Winter Soldier.

Thirdly, just because Bucky is not around doesn't mean that Steve would die. He survived basic training without Bucky. I doubt that they were together every second of every day. Yes, Steve is sickly, but that doesn't automatically mean his death.

Fourth, yes I know I have a few spelling mistakes. And I apologize for them. I will fix them. Yes I have a beta. Thank you very much.

Fifth, have you ever written? What gives you the right to be such a harsh judge? Yes I would like CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, but you were flat out mean.
Capfan chapter 1 . 8/25/2015
Even as an AU, this makes no sense. AU's still have to make sense. If Steve had never become Captain America, Bucky would have died in the isolation room at the HYDRA base. There was no Steve to save him. Bucky dies, no Winter Soldier.

In addition, if Steve had never become Captain America, there would have been no Howling Commandos, no mission to capture Zola, and no falling from the train. No Winter Soldier.

Also, Steve was a very sickly person with multiple serious medical conditions. If he had not become Captain America, he would have been dead before the WS came back, even though you've shortened the timeline considerably. So the WS, this broken man, comes back to Brooklyn and there's nobody there who can help him remember. So he either goes insane, kills himself, loses it and goes on a killing spree, or worse. There are no happy endings for that scenario.

Also, the WS picks a ship w/o knowing the destination before he stows away, and it just magically ends up in Brooklyn? Please.

I see that your pen name is "Illogical1," so I'm guessing you're not big on critical thinking skills, but if you're going to write fics, or really, anything, you need to brush up on them or try to learn them. Or find a beta who has them and can help you. Yes, this might have been inspired but some cute little pic you saw on Pintrest that just warmed your little heart up, but if you really like it that much, it deserves a decent story, not this very sloppy mess. Also, you have several grammar and spelling errors, so better brush up on that as well.