Reviews for But Did You Get a Picture?
lunaticprincess7085 chapter 1 . 4/2/2016
Omg i can't help but laugh at Ambrose...
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 12/26/2015
Awesome story. I can see this happening, too. Reminds me of when the Ninja Turtles saw Bigfoot in the Nickelodeon episode "A Foot Too Big." It is a shame Seth didn't get a picture, but it makes sense considering they were running for their lives. Nicely done on this.

The Bubbly One,
caylender chapter 1 . 9/18/2015
This made me laugh so much. I love how you characterize each of the guys. _
captainbartholomew chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
Huh, I actually just listened to this podcast last week and found it so interesting Dean knew so much about the world of the paranormal. I really loved the story of him in the hotel and the clock going absolutely crazy and thinking it's haunted!

Anywho, how about a review? Leave it to poor Seth to be the logical grown up one thinking we need gas and other neccessary supplies. And then he eventually finds the monster! ;) Don't worry Seth, I'd run for the hills too before I'd even think about getting a picture. You wrote Dean as I can only imagine him being like 'This is a BigFoot' and 'This is a Yeti.' And then there's Roman whose just there nodding his head, haha typical big brother.

Really good fic overall and quite funny too! For some reason, I imagine them finding a girl BigFoot and it wearing a bow and lipstick. I have no idea why... my mind is such an odd place. -cap
nolabell66 chapter 1 . 8/22/2015
Very funny, and I can totally see Dean up set there was no photo.
Jade chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
startrekfan1177 chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
Love seeing Dean's interest in the paranormal come in to play in what was a nice silly fic. The last line was hilarious by the way.
Princess Aquilia chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
I was smiling from the first line - anytime Dean starts talking about Yeties and Bigfoot, you know you're in for another hilarious adventure with the Shield boys! ;)

Poor Seth been stuck with these two and grumbling - well he's so snobbish but adorable at the same time lol great fun story, and don't worry Dean, we'll take a pic next time a mythical creature shows up! :p
ZVArmy chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
You’re really pumping out the quality content on a regular basis now, my friend, and that’s great to see. It tells me that what we talked about in PM in the past is not a problem anymore?
Okay, onto my review. Right, this is the Bigfoot idea you mentioned. I’ve been looking forward to this.

I can just picture Seth, griping away from the back seat of the car. That’s just so, well, Seth. And there’s always one isn’t there? As soon as you get in a car to make a long journey someone has to come with “I need a pee.” You’ve got me grinning at this already.

Oh wow, it sounds like they’ve pulled into somewhere out of Resident Evil or Walking Dead to try and get gas. Where’s my man Wade Barrett when you need him? “I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news!”

And of course, Dean’s first idea is to go walking around the streets of this hole. What could possibly go wrong?

LOL Roman grabbing Dean and Seth from behind and scaring the living hell out of them. That was hilarious.

Oh! Let’s follow the thing that makes huge footprints into the woods. Dean’s got all the bright ideas tonight hasn’t he?

I keep giggling at this story. Seth fell into a blackberry bush. OMG. I’d be dying if I was there and saw that.

Oh. Things might have gotten more serious now. Either Roman and Dean are still trolling, or something bad happened.

Ah! They actually saw Bigfoot! Wow. That would be all kinds of scary, and they didn’t even get a picture. Damn it. lol

Good job with this. I definitely wouldn’t describe it as silly as you did. Humerous, yes, but not silly. I really enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
I loved it! That was funny!
error404-known chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
This was very very entertaining. The moment this started I thought, "yeah he/she listened to the podcast." I remembered listening to that podcast and I was amazed. I would have never guessed, he would be into this. Are you a believer of ghost to folklore to Yeti to Bigfoot? I am more educationed on the paranormal and fascinated by it.

I liked how you referred Dean's phone to a drowning accident. I also liked how Seth and Dean walk quite awhile without them knowing Roman was behind them.

At first I thought that this was going to turn into a horror fover, but I guess in a way it did. Kudos to them to get out of the car and tried to walk back to town and following Dean inside the woods... I would never done that. So wrong for them to leave Seth and then say that for their situation it was every man for himself and of course, the ending was amazing. Poor Dean, very entertaining story. Sheamus would be proud :)
Monkey D. Anea chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
Lol i can't stop smiling! barely holding in my grins and laughs their Author-san, my favorite line other than the every man for himself thing was "I still can't believe you didn't get a picture" poor Seth! expecting an apology but getting a Dean Ambrose answer! good job and keep it up!
Willow Edmond chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
Hnm... Dean seems to have a lot of opinions on mythical creatures. My problem is that they haven't found any dead ones. I could understand something alive being elusive, but you'd think they'd find a skeleton or something. Not just vague pictures and hair that never turns out to be anything but a bear or something.

LOL, Seth wants to stop and pee, but he doesn't want to tell them. He's like a little kid. Either that or Seth has been on their case before about *them* needed to pee.

Oh... this is not good at all. It's like this is a ghost town or something. No gas stations? How far off the beaten path did these guys travel? And if the pumps are still around, that shows that this happened recently.

Okay, Seth wants to be cautious and Dean wants to take the risk. And, as it turns out, Seth is right, they don't even make it a mile. Gee boys, you should have listened to Seth and gotten gas before! I mean, I'm sure Seth can pee somewhere, but you're gonna have to walk for gas, I'll bet. Unless AAA does come out that far.

Of course Seth has an emergency kit, Dean! Seth has everything! Except a phone that will get a signal, but that isn't really his fault, right?

Seth is going off alone? No, isn't that supposed to be a bad idea? Wouldn't it be better to leave Dean or Roman with the car, where they can lock the doors and roll up the windows? I mean, every horror movie I've watched says this is a bad idea.

Oh gesh, Roman and Dean are playing games with him? Yeah, Seth must be feeling like Daddy now and the kids want to play. But they're leaving the car.

Big footprints? After the talking they were doing earlier? Interesting. And of course Dean wants to follow them. "Hey, look! Something potentially very dangerous! Let's go check it out!" Dean is the reason why they make fans with wire cages that you can't poke your fingers into anymore.

Lizard? They must be down South then. Not many lizards where it gets cold in the winter. Salamanders, yes, lizards, no.

And now Roman and Dean have disappeared?

Roman and Dean saw Bigfoot and they left Seth alone?

And now they're upset that Seth didn't play photographer?

Yes, Seth has the right to sleep in the car. Dean and Roman must get them out of this situation, it's only fair!

LOL, the rotating bed agreement? Sounds familiar!

Ouch! He loses the bed, gets stranded in the woods, and still getting grief for not having gotten a picture. Why isn't Dean on Roman's case about not getting a picture? Roman had a cell phone too!

Good story. Now I have to check out that podcast! :D
rowan32hotmail chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
I listened to the podcast and LOVED it. All the things you mentioned were in it.
BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60 chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
This was awesome.