Reviews for The Makeweight
Sabaku No Kaori chapter 50 . 3/24
hope you are doing well and keep writing someday. I really enjoy this story.
elhan chapter 50 . 8/24/2018
i agree your only problem is cover image. from point of view of sasuke's fans it is disregarding image of him even if he is trans now kinda he isn't trans in heart and doesn't need lipstick
The Number 4 chapter 1 . 8/21/2018
your cover image is... off-putting
elhan chapter 50 . 6/3/2018
i was waiting for chapter 61 forever good to see finally it's on door :)
elhan chapter 50 . 6/2/2018
i check every day with hope for new chap
51 is the chapter i was waiting forever.
Guest chapter 50 . 5/24/2018
you're a great writer!
Shun Haneul chapter 49 . 5/25/2018
love this story, you write Sasuke perfectly during this trial (and in his general situation), even when you say it's not your thing, good job !
ShadowhuntersUniverse chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Honestly I can't even begin to explain how much I love this story. The way you write is so realistic and the characterization is on point. I love the way you describe Sasuke even though I feel bad for him. I'm really excited for the next chapter!
lufagoulou chapter 49 . 5/2/2018
It was not unnecessary, it was great. There is so much to say about sasuke's story in cannon. Each of the charges could have beenlookedst at and discussed for a whole chapter. Thanks, as usual
TrenchcoatMan chapter 50 . 5/1/2018
Ooo, another chapter so soon after the last. Always a plus.

This one was rough, poor Sasuke. I feel like it's only gonna get rougher too,from the sounds of things. Well, hopefully we'll get some Naruto x Sasuke fluff in a few chapters to make up for all the torture .

Given that Hidan was supposedly created through 'weird rituals' i can't help but feel like the old docs might have been Jashinists. Part of me just really wants to know more about these druid/sorcerers and where they come from and what they've been doing all this time and how they relate to the rest of the Naruto-verse.

Well, it is very interestting to finally see what happened to Sasuke between now and then.

So, im curious. Does Caligula just really despise Orochimaru or is the Orochimaru of your story really as perverted as Calligula claimed. Ultimately, i always saw him a bit less on the pedo side and more on the morally ambiguous scientist side. Though he does seem to have a thing for young girls when it comes to bodies as of recent. As much of 'creepy old uncle' as Orochimaru can pull off, he really feels like the least sexual character in the series. But boy do I love him, post series.

kmf671 chapter 50 . 5/1/2018
Yay, Sasuke is telling his story! This clears up a lot of questions about how he got there in the first place. Caliga really is a complete and total creep. While I was rereading this story a few weeks ago, I was making notes in my head about things I hadn't said anything about, but wanted to. One of those things is how tastefully, respectfully open you are in describing the non-con touching/rape that Sasuke experienced at the hands of Caliga and the Kakkou. Another thing is the way you handle Sasuke's PTSD after everything he has experienced in his life. You're very realistic about it. Which brings me to another point; your realism. It's a story that takes a realistic look at so many tough subjects, two of which I've already touched on, and some of which you dealt with in this chapter and others. You really are a fantastic writer, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. Thank you, again, for another wonderful chapter!
lufagoulou chapter 48 . 4/27/2018
Thank you for writting. The mikoto on narutos chest scene was powerful, and you made the villains a lot more scary than they were. i am so glad i found your fic. Characterisation of sasuke, naruto, tsunade and Kakashi is still perfect. And i wonder where orochimaru will fit in all of that. And poor shisui Karin and menma!
lufagoulou chapter 10 . 4/12/2018
You are brillant
lufagoulou chapter 8 . 4/12/2018
Temari told him he ought to have gotten a unicorn - hahahaha
lufagoulou chapter 7 . 4/12/2018
I read the story until this chapter today, and so far I love it. Thank you, I was craving a story with good charaterisation and your sasuke is spot on. Trauma, pain, resilience. I missed him. Looking forward to meeting your naruto
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