Reviews for The best kind of trip is to the future
7iffany chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
This story has a pretty good plot and I enjoyed it tremendously, do update more. However, I tend to get a little confused when the story changed from TYLTsuna to his past counterpart and I had to reread the story a few times to understand, so it might be better if you labelled when you switched the settings or label the future characters with a different name from the present characters.
valery-chan chapter 1 . 8/15/2015
Woauu really is this your first fic? It is actuslly really good! Will you continue this? Pleaseee pleaseee I loved that TYL!Tsuna. Is very similar to how I imagine the real TYL!Tsuna must be. All powerfull and influencial and so COOL! u
Bye from Spain!
tofldh chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
Wow, people ususally the Tsuna who achieves breaking the curse of the Arcobaleno, which means ends of the Cannon, but you chose the...after Kokuyo arc Tsuna! Does the yonger Tsuna yet fight against Xanxas, the Varia. Right? Hmmm...I wonder what would happen to the next chapter. The future Tusna, Byakuran, Emna, Reborn, and other guardians would be obisouly very stronger than the most mafia, because they even beat the Vindice ten years ago, who are eqaul or stronger than the strongest seven, the Arcobaleno. How does the enemies plan to take down the future Tsuna? Hm. Curious. I also wonder what happened to the second conference in Maifa Land. Dis Tsuna almost die? So Kyoya(and other guardi0ans) decide to protect Tsuna in personaly and in close range? Hope you unpdate soon!
Chew Chew chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
Interesting story. Do update more.
Ryner510 chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
This is actually good to read. I like the idea of having past self meet their future self. Hope this story last more than 10 chapter. (Wishful thinking lmfao)
Tatanka chapter 1 . 8/14/2015
I think it is really a great story :-) I was enjoing this very much...

Tyl!Tsuna have given me wonderful impression, in his boss mode and his adult mode;-) Your characters were very well made, I mean their actions and personality were delightful and I personally loved it.

I was somewhat disappointed that there were so little interactions between future people and past people, but i understand that they shouldn't know so much about their future... I was happy that you presented here Byakuran and Enma as Tsuna best friends, this was simply wonderful :-D

I reread it 2 times and i couldn't get enough of this fantastic story, i love time travel and past meets future type of fanfiction. It's a real pity that here is so little story like that;-) You did great work with this and it was really awesome XD