Reviews for Dragon of the Vongola
Lumene chapter 3 . 4/4/2018
...this is nice but there’s one thing I don’t get isn’t Tsuna supposed to have sensitive senses, instinct, be lot stronger and faster than humans... he’s still predator even if he’s in human form and yet Hibari still beats him black and white...
grissena5 chapter 1 . 11/25/2017
I love the plot. can't wait to see everyone's reaction.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/15/2017
five hundred yen five dollars.
Kitsune95 chapter 4 . 7/4/2017
Interesting. But... Its not holding MY attention unfortunately. Though I love the idea, and the fact you introduced Enma so early. It seems a little disconnected as well, but that may be me.
Foxluna chapter 5 . 6/29/2017
Hahaha silly Tsuna. Better ask now then. But wow what a start to them meeting hmm?
I wonder if Enma and Takeshi know about Tsuna being a dragon? Wonder how Hayato would react to that knowledge too?
Hime-chan Natsumi chapter 5 . 6/29/2017
Interesante. Me parece interesante la idea de Tsuna dragón. No he leído otro fic con esta temática.
KaguyaAmaterasu chapter 5 . 6/28/2017
I can't wait for the romantic meeting between Nana and Tsuyoshi! Also, the way Tsuna met Hayato was nice!

I am kinda wondering, though, can Tsuna communicate with his Dragon freely? Like can the Dragon even speak to him, or anything? Or is the Dragon just there, able to influence Tsuna with its' emotions?
Nella Moonblood Royalle chapter 5 . 6/27/2017
Ahhh YASSSS Story. So. Good! Kyarghhhh
Writing so good me likeyyyy
Cho excited for moarrrr ganbatte née author-sama!
Nella Moonblood Royalle chapter 1 . 6/27/2017
Anyaaaaa I see another soon to be great story ahead!
Cho looking forward!
SakuraKoi chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
so good
iashbviarwbv chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
I'm in love with this story, really!
It's so new, I don't see any other story with Tsuna being a dragon!
Bell2629 chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
and hayato is here! i like tsuna's relationship with everyone! they all look so close together! do takeshi and enma know about the dragon inside him?
Guest chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
I don't really know why but I just get irritated when stories of Reborn just suddenly coming into Tsuna life making a mess of it and demanding respect right from the start when he hasn't really done anything to gain it yet. Expecting Tsuna to just say ok and be perfect and everything while only using brute force without really explaining anything and having the gall to get irritated when Tsuna complains or something doesn't get done his way or as he expects but taking credit when it does and saying it's because he is the number one hitman. But that's just me has nothing to do with any authors story l, though I prefer for Tsuna to he given more respect and some space to be able to properly take the craziness in and not just have all of it come in one after another and expect him to accept it just because he is a sky while laughing at his predicament. I mean what do they know about being a civilian sky , a civilian SEALED sky suddenly being crashed by the mafia to ruin his life. Even Dino is born mafia not to mention Xanxus, Byakuran, and especially Timoteo. But then they look at Tsuna when something big happens and expects him to solve it because of his potential as a vast sky, potential that has been stunted because of the twice damn seal, and then ignore him when it's peaceful and just generally make trouble that they make him fix. Potential isn't skill, it needs to steadily grow not take jumps with little to no time in between like what has been usually happening to Tsuna. Sorry for ranting though... I still like your plot, I'll probably wait until Tsuna either snap at Reborn and show his real self or when Tsuna gets tired of screaming because some people just doesn't care to listen (Reborn). Sorry again... I'm not really lucid while writing this it's like 4 am. I really do like your story and plot. Keep posting and will keep reading this.
Jaiyere chapter 5 . 6/26/2017
Pf-PFFTTT. HA! XD oh man seeing Gokudera like that was really cool! Thank you for the update!
foxchick1 chapter 5 . 6/25/2017
Can't wait to see what happens next.
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