Reviews for The Dark Knight
Kiwysk1643 chapter 15 . 4/22
"nooooooooooooooooooooo" ~ Melvin "Big Smoke" Harris, 1992.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/24
Did anyone spot the subtle sjw transgenderism cult of evil in disingenous this chapter. When Daegan was describing what happens to a man when they are abandoned. Everything was written normally until “there will be nothing left of the man he ‘or she’ was.”

You people who blindly follow this evil dogma are enabling the mutilation and sterilization men, woman and children. Young children who go through hormone blockers will never be able to have children or even have sexual stimulation. They will not grow physically into healthy adults. Puberty is highly important for the development of the human body. A person’s sex determines what hormones are produced. This is basic science. It’s lik level of science. It’s like the sky is blue or up is up and down is down levels of simplicity. How can sane and rational person actually go along with this? It’s simple, you are losers and weak willed people easily susceptible to bullying. But being weak willed isn’t an excuse. You people are just as evil as the “priest/priestesses” who spew these lies.

I find it funny that all the mean girls and jackass bullies in high school are always the ones who grow up to be the driving force behind crap like this. The fact that even in your own fantasy you let these people bully you into submission is sad. You don’t have to be a loser in your own fantasies. You are suppose to be a winner.

Here is a question for all of you. If conversion therapy for homosexuals is wrong because they are born that way. How can changing someone’s sex, which they are born with, be right? What’s the difference between conversion therapy and transgenderism? Unless you are a lying, disingenuous pos then the answer is simple, none.
WanderingMercAsashi chapter 7 . 11/16/2019
Yep. Forgiveness load and now I'm happy it's buried.
WanderingMercAsashi chapter 4 . 11/16/2019
Already headed into the forgiveness route so it's probably for the best it's been discontinued.
Rebmul chapter 14 . 6/24/2019
well mercury is dead for almost causing cinders plans to go down the drain I think she will certainly torture him
Rebmul chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
I don't buy the after being a bitch to him we suddenly realize our mistake right after he does good in a fight thing
silver.blast96 chapter 15 . 8/23/2018
TheUnHolySmirk chapter 2 . 6/30/2018
Pyrrha. not Pyrrah. I keep making that mistake too, until I set my ac to change it automatically for me.
246vili chapter 15 . 6/7/2018
A shame, I liked reding this story. Well looking forward for the new version of this fic.
246vili chapter 14 . 6/7/2018
Well that was quite a fight despite Daegan still being injured and all.

And daaamn, Vince sure had it hard in the past. Even harder than Blake could ever imagine.
246vili chapter 12 . 6/6/2018
Good thing Jaune won by knocking Sun out. He would had a hard time against Yang otherwise.
246vili chapter 11 . 6/6/2018
Nice beatdown for Cardin, but seriously, WTF was wrong with Mercury to beat down Daegan so badly? He hated him that much?
246vili chapter 10 . 6/6/2018
I see the Coco-Vince and Allie-Daegan pairings are starting.
As for some of the random teams:

Yang and Nora: may Oum have mercy on their oponents... and their surroundings.
Daegan and Mercury: worst possible team. They will try to kill each other before their first match.
Vince and Weiss: it could work if Vince can get used to Weiss' complaining about him not talking to her.
Cardin and Blake: ...even worst team than Daegan and Mercury, nothing else needs to be said.
Jaune and Cinder: since they are the main pairing for this story, not that suprising. On a side note them getting along will just cause Pyrrha extra pain.

Keep up the good work.
246vili chapter 5 . 6/5/2018
So Jaune became hot in the eyes of the female students because he became stronger and a bit more dark and emo?
Guest chapter 6 . 5/16/2018
Can’t Jaune cancel another people’s aura and semblance? Why the fuck is he having trouble with his fight? ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE HIM PATHETIC?
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