Reviews for Marked
bookworm4eva'n'eva chapter 22 . 5/23
Who picked up the story? Are you ever going to continue?!
MSGirl2018 chapter 17 . 10/31/2019
i actually fan girled a little bit
Guest chapter 16 . 7/21/2019
My name’s Anne I just thought that was really cool
karhy mcheny chapter 22 . 1/11/2018
kudos to you xx
Shae-1011 chapter 19 . 7/27/2017
I don't like karmmin our whatever her damn name is
Shae-1011 chapter 14 . 7/27/2017
Miss L-B chapter 17 . 8/27/2016
Its not like i needed my heart anyways
jryu0620 chapter 20 . 7/18/2016
It's absolutely fine that you couldn't continue. Trust me; I know the feeling.I haven't written fanfic in a while, but I might be interested in adopting this. PM me if you think I might be up for it.
Mrs.MagnusB chapter 22 . 7/18/2016
Well now I'm about to cry. I was so happy when I realized there were 5 chapters I still hadn't read yet and now that I'm caught up again it's over?! This was one of my favorites even though you didn't update often! *starts to cry*
soulelvi chapter 22 . 7/18/2016
Dear Girl, nobody's perfect, and not everything tourns out as it should, so do not worry your pretty head too much! I'll follow your other stories, and as far as this one, if someone will adopt it, I'll keep on following. It happens, especially to the best ones ;) we love you anyway!
Intoxic chapter 22 . 7/17/2016
I get it. I used to have thoughts like that about one of my story. It's ok if you don't feel writing it anymore. I'd rather you leave it on hiatus than write something you won't like and in the end something what won't be good for the story. Hopefully some idea hit you or maybe someone will adopt the story and write the end for it. Who knows, maybe something will hit Me and I'll pitch you some ideas.
Good luck in everything. :)
MeWithSomeFudge chapter 21 . 6/5/2016
I really like this story! Like, really really.
TrisDaMastiff chapter 21 . 5/26/2016
Probably my favorite TMI soul mate AU! Very few editing issues and the story line is very good, keeps my interest :-) looking forward to reading more so please keep working on it. I'd hate to see this as another unfinished story here!
daFangirleh chapter 21 . 5/22/2016
I really enjoy the concept of this story as well as the characters, though a bit more action/drama/unusalnesses and such would be appreciated. I enjoyed this chapter quite a lot as it was not all flowers and butterflies if you know what I mean. Up until chapter 17 I thought this story was a fluffy, everyday story, but I got positively surprised at the smut in chapter 17. I like how it seems like several sub-plots going around at the same time, making it interesting all the time. I've searched for a good Mortal Instruments Malec fanfiction, and now I've found one. Thank you for writing it
BlueGreen118 chapter 12 . 5/17/2016
Who needs oxygen anyway? This is so amazing!
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