Reviews for La Crainte
JimmyHall24 chapter 1 . 1/5/2018
I mean I loved when Azula was trying to kill her bitch of a mother. She deserved it.
ReachableDig41 chapter 3 . 12/15/2016
im in love with this story. amazing.
Nocturne in A Minor chapter 3 . 6/14/2016
Thank you so much for writing this. I always felt that Azula was horribly shortchanged, and the comics were equally shallow in their depiction of her. It's especially sad to see how her clear mental illness and her parents' - especially her mum's - neglect and mistreatment of her is simply glossed over just so they can continue to have their evil antagonist vs her ever loving brother/mother dynamic continue. Am I rambling? Sorry! But I did have a point, and here it is! Thank you for writing an Azula through the eyes of a more layered, fleshed-out, three-dimensional Ty Lee than the shallow simpleton we see in the comics. Thank you for brushing the dust off the little, overlooked moments with big, deep implications; how they expressed things that Azula herself was likely unable to articulate - and how that inability to express that probably spoke volumes more about the depth of her trauma and resulting psychosis than any berserker rage ever could.

Thank you for all your stories that tell the other side of a lost girl that so many relate to and whose stories are also - sadly - equally obscured, dictated or overwritten by those around them (whether well-meaning or otherwise).

Thank you for showing that they can still be loved.
electric gurrl chapter 3 . 8/12/2015
This was bittersweet but a happily ever after of sorts, which is the best kind of ending. I love how the fear ties into everything, and that makes for a good last line.
"The past might not be worth coming back to.
But that does not mean that the future is not worth looking forward to."
I really loved that a lot. It's my Tyzula Anthem, in a lot of ways, expressed really well.
I think this was a wonderful story, and thank you so much for sharing it.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
such a unige story
Nikkel chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
Beautiful story. Your style is very prose-like, but without being poetry, and it's something I'm personally drawn to. I would totally support a Modern AU of Azula being an actress (I've thought of doing it myself, but will probably never get around to it), and would doubly-support it if it featured Tyzula.
Streetlight Eyes chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
This was a hopeful, but sad ending. Lovely!
apermissivemommy chapter 3 . 8/9/2015
I think this story was beautiful. I loved how it was told, in moments. I think the best stories are. And I teared up, definitely, at the end. I love the concept of abandoning the past and moving forward for Azula and Ty Lee, and this chapter was very hopeful, and very poignant. It ended on a nice note.
jonissbouquet chapter 2 . 8/6/2015
This is emotional and beautiful and so good.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/6/2015
Ahhhh I loved the letter. This was well written and you wove cannon into your own work seamlessly.
Nikkel chapter 2 . 8/5/2015
I love where you're headed with this. I don't care how long it is or if it's ever finished. I love your style, however vague, and hope you stick around.
electric gurrl chapter 2 . 8/5/2015
I'm crying. I haven't felt my heart flutter like that in a while during a fanfic. I have this line that I never remembered where I've heard that rattles around in my head a lot when thinking about Azula, that was something along the lines of how far you would go to forget painful things, and the cost of losing those harder parts of your past.
Mostly, Ty Lee really loving Azula. That and those thoughts/dialogue were the ones that were haunting and hit me in the heart.
The opening with the fire I actually think was when I almost started crying. This is beautiful. Really. I loved this first chapter but now I'm more than sold.
I hope you write more for this fandom, so long as it's something that interests you.
(surrender to the Tyzula. surrender to it. it's a virus, you know, consumes your brain...)
cranapplesurprise chapter 2 . 8/5/2015
I am crying. Wow. That headcanon is one I've thought about, and one that's just a bit sad. Lovely, very lovely story.
kirill.koster chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
Loved it! This is kind of my headcanon too :p
electric gurrl chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
This is a marvelous take on Ty Lee. And the vividness of your descriptions I enjoy. They're concise and clear. I'm totally intrigued to see what comes next, and I'm really happy you decided to give this couple a try.
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