Reviews for Chrysalis
M4RDZ chapter 8 . 6/8/2018
Noooo! Always the best stories never get finished *heavy sobbing* thanks for what you’ve given us though. Really great story line and overall writer.
M4RDZ chapter 4 . 6/7/2018
Wow! Just finished chapter 3, your writing is amazing! I love the story line you’ve set up. All the characters are still so much themselves, and it makes it so enjoyable to read. Great work. You throw in the perfect amount of detail regarding, place, feelings, thoughts. I’m excited to read on!
FireEnchantress chapter 8 . 9/13/2017
Honestly I love the way you're putting new characters in and giving them real lives, ambitions and flaws. Love the story so far and I'm looking forward to the next update!
RexCaldoran chapter 8 . 8/14/2017
The second story i read u have not finished yet... U like to tease like this, aren't you? ;p
Guest chapter 8 . 2/5/2016
I really thought that Asami would have been okay with Kuvira. Not totally with the idea, but you know, taking it, at least. I'm disappointed that she's still holding that grudge even though Korra's told her to trust her on this - hopefully Asami will come to terms with Korra sometime soon on the whole Kuvira thing.

As for Kuvira, I hope that she doesn't get into any trouble while she's on the airship...

And then there's Mako at the palace with Azalea and the rest of the royal family. It's nice to see that Mako's getting along well with the Fire Lord, and that she thinks of him highly and sees him as someone who's worthy of taking on a position similar to hers. Yeah, never would have guessed Fire Lord Izumi actually wants Mako as a kind of 'advisor', but then again he's been not only with Chief Bei Fong but traveled with the Avatar as well, so it's no doubt that he's got all kinds of experience handling different situations.

And now we know what exactly that thing was that caused Jinora to be in the current state she is now. The spirit sure does seem desperate enough to inflict harm on others, as well as tear apart the human world, to get what he wants and be reunited with his love (if he is able to reunite with her by accomplishing what he hopes of doing). Jinora's dream was very insightful and informative, and I'm sure it'd give the young airbending master a clear idea of what is going on and what she has to communicate to Korra to prevent the end.

And lastly, I don't know what white fire is either, Mako... I tried looking it up, but most of the options that appeared had to do with marijuana... Yeah, I got no idea, haha.

It was a wonderful chapter, and I really enjoyed reading. Thanks! :)
Azuki Rose chapter 7 . 12/22/2015
Gosh, I don't know whether I should say Mako is lucky or unlucky with the ladies. I mean, he certainly gets his chances with two of the hottest and most famous girls around, and then he loses them (although I'm certainly glad he did because now said girls can be together). I'm happy he's found someone else though, who hopefully will remain with him for a while. A Fire Nation princess? Nice score, Mako. Let's hope that you don't ruin this one either, haha. ;)

As for Jinora, it's wonderful to see that she's survived. Being the badass extremely skilled airbending master she is, it'd make sense for Jinora to survive, although it was barely (thank the spirits though, idk what would happen without dear Jinora). Thanks to Kirei's rescue, it's safe to say that she'll meet up with the others soon, and get to warn them about whatever that thing was that was beneath the temple. It looks to pose a serious threat. Oh, and about Kirei... Yeah, being escorted by Izumi does sound a bit strange... So maybe we could say Kirei might be of the royal family as well? :O *gaspies* I guess we'll just have to wait for the next chapters to find that out, haha.

I liked seeing a little more dynamics between Korra and Asami in this chapter. It's cute to see Asami try to take the lead while Korra acts more of the innocent, and I hope that Korra warms up after time to her girlfriend's advances. As the avatar though it's understandable that she also has a lot of other things on her mind, such as what to do with Kuvira and all that, so maybe she doesn't have as much time as she would like with Asami. :(

Now is also the time that Korra and Kuvira finally meet again after the destruction of Republic City... I think that what Korra is doing is the right choice; Kuvira should deserve another chance if she really wants to mend the mistakes she made during her years as the Great Uniter. And now we can also see just how broken, vulnerable and lost she really is as well. She needs a chance, and Korra is willing to give her that chance to restore her to what she was before (as said by Suyin, bless that woman's heart).

I know I've said this before, but your story serves as the canon continuation for me; I don't know how you do it, but all I can say is that you've got me captivated, and I'll be patiently awaiting the next chapter.
WrittenVisions chapter 7 . 12/21/2015
Great chapter. Kuvira's nightmare was really well written, and made me feel truly bad for her. And thanks for the mention in your authors notes. Glad I could help with that.
ShadowJ95 chapter 7 . 12/21/2015
Yay new chapter :3 I can't wait for more
Lesbi-Elsa chapter 3 . 12/21/2015
I don't think a person of Korra's colour could blush that furiously.
ShadowCub chapter 7 . 12/20/2015
Its a damn sad day, when people are more concerned with a dictator who killed thousands than their victims. Suyin just showed that as a member of her family Kuvira will escape justice.
Azuki Rose chapter 6 . 11/15/2015
I know that this whole story is canon, but I can't help but think of it as the real continuation - (it's that good, in my opinion!) - so I praise you for it! You're doing a great job with it so far, and everything is coming together nicely. You have a knack for writing stories, I think, and are able to deftly juggle all the problems and conflicts that are going on while adding light moments and keeping the reader engaged.

There definitely seems to be a race against time happening here with Kuvira. She wants people to give her a second chance to prove that she isn't the person she was before now, but after that attempted rescue by her former troops, her chances were looking slim. We know that she didn't ask to be rescued; she wants to be taken into custody by the Avatar who she hopes will allow her to become a kind of servant... It's sad to see that the rest of the world doesn't want to give her that chance, and are more than ready to get rid of her now that they've seen more destruction happen in her wake (although it's not her fault). I hope that Korra gets to her soon - I really think that Kuvira can become someone who can aid and protect others, despite her past.

*sighs* It seems we still don't know much about what's happening at the Western Air Temple, and that means we don't know if Jinora or Kirei is fine... D: Man, it seems like Korra is needed everywhere all at once. It's probably putting a lot of stress on her, and on top of all that, she's also very concerned about her relationship with Asami and how things are going to work out for them in the process of all of this. Judging by from what you've written, I'd like to think that Asami's going with it and supporting Korra for right now, but heaven knows if that's going to change anytime soon... Especially since Korra has to retrieve Kuvira immediately, and then she has to head right over to the Western Air Temple (I think?) to find out if Jinora's okay.

This was a nice chater; it was nice to see Bolin, Asami and Korra finally reunite with Opal and Kai. The bit of Korrasami fluff at the end was a cute touch too (I wish there had been more, haha), and you've managed to leave us at a cliffhanger as always - can't wait to see what happens next! :)
sm.lebron16 chapter 6 . 11/15/2015
Love it. The story is great. I love that it actually feels like a LOK episodes. I cannot wait to read more.
ShadowCub chapter 6 . 11/13/2015
Wondering how the nations will take the news of how Kuvira getting off scott free.
YusukeBestBro chapter 5 . 10/21/2015
I'm not really good with giving reviews, but regardless, I'm really enjoying this so far. Chrysalis feels like it could be a legitimate threat in the Avatar universe, so you've done a good job there, and I like the slow(ish) buildup to Korrasami. Everything just seems to work really well, and I can't wait to read more. You've earnt yourself a follow and a favourite friend :). I really look forward to future updates
Azuki Rose chapter 5 . 10/3/2015
I think that this was a really intense chapter. Not in a bad way; the excitement level was really up there, and it was quite the adventure to see all these unfortunate things unraveling at the same time - I personally have a hard time coming up with conflicts in my stories, so I think you're doing a great job delivering problems piece by piece.

So first of all there's that kinda 'conflict' between Korra and Asami. I know it's hard for Asami because she knows that Kuvira was the reason why her father died, and she loathes her for that now. Then we have Korra, who's wanting-to-help-everyone Avatar nature leads her to do what she thinks would be right (and I'm with Korra on this one) since she's decided to help Kuvira. You're also left wondering if these completely opposite attitudes to the same person would cause something to come between them at one point or another, but really hope that they can stay together through all of it. I really hope that Asami's anger (and maybe hatred?) towards Kuvira would be something that won't separate her from Korra.

Wow, I was really shocked that Kuvira's men would bust her out of that Zaofu prison containment - even more shocked when she decided to make a beeline out of there to find out if Suyin was okay. Haha, I'd have to say that I really admired Kuvira for that, but for the most part while I was reading that piece of the story, I was screaming in my mind: 'Kuvira! Are you CRAZY? You gonna get yourself killed out there, woman!'. xD I was really happy to see though that nothing super bad happened to her and that Suyin was fine, as well as her previous guardian having decided to take care of her injuries.

And then there's that weird crystal thing that Jinora discovered below the lake... Jesus, that thing sounds scary! D: I was really worried about Jinora and how she was going to get out of there; it seemed for a moment as if there was no escape for her. But *shakes her finger at herself* Jinora is a smartie, so of course she had an idea (in her position I probably would have died, haha). xD

But we don't know what happened to her, or if she made it out... I hope that Kirei might be able to save her, if she is indeed in more trouble than we think. I hope that she's alright!

I really enjoyed this chapter, it was very exciting, and I can see the plot is starting to build up as things begin to escalate! Great job, and I can't wait to see what happens next! :)
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