Reviews for Time Flies Backwards (renewed)
coughh chapter 5 . 6/27/2017
I think this is a little late to post, considering that this story was posted about a year ago, but I really am sorry about your dad. an anonymous apology from a cite i bet you dont go on very much anymore, not much, but i hope it helps. i have never lost a parent, but i have friends who have. im not going to try to relate to this, because nothing this tragic has ever happened to me, but stay strong, and fight through this. it will be awful for a long time, but all wounds must heal.
FairyRave chapter 8 . 11/27/2016
If I have to tell the truth, I have not yet seen the world at it's darkest. True, I've read stories and hear about them, but personally I know I lived a sheltered life. Even my own dad, who fought in an actual war and seen horrors I can't imagine, had move to a totally different country as a refugee had to build his life from scratch for me and my siblings to live in. I know the story, but I honestly know I can never fully comprehend without going through it myself.

I guess that's the point. For parents or love ones to shelter you from the actual darkness but tell you about their stories to prepare you for the world beyond and say there's hope. That's there could be light on the other side even in the darkest of times. Maybe your put down for what you are or what you stand for. Maybe you can't get for it yourself or feel that's there isn't anything there, but there is always a chance. There's stories out there where people, actual real people who've seen and been through life where it's ugly. There are stories where those very same people pull themselves out and try to be the light and hope for others. A beacon of light so to speak.

That's why there's stories, I think, to be a light to get us through life. They get us through life with lessons they contain or just get entertain us. Hope is there no matter how small even if you have to pass that hope or story to another. Hope might not shine the brightest or be as obvious, but it's there. Maybe not to a god or a religion, but a bit of hope maybe for yourself and maybe for those around you, it's worth it to have hope.

That's my own rant, though it's how I think. Anyways, I found your fic and I felt like it was a brilliant read. I've read a couple of time travel fics before, but yours is definitely different from the usual. I like how you let the characters grow and interact from each experience, while at the same time your writing feels natural and was eloquently put together in a sequence that makes sense. I highly anticipate the next chapter, but overall, I'm just glad to have read your spin with Harry meeting his parents and other people from the past.
Ela Plume-en-sucre chapter 8 . 7/22/2016
This world is indeed a sad place and making sense of it and how to live in it is a struggle, When hope is dimmed I find solace in reading and dreaming in a world of magic. So wherever you are, know that your writing at least help people find comfort and for a little while escape the reality of those times. Thank you for that and for the well written story.
I wish you all the courage that you need and may you find hope again in this crazy world.
NatNicole chapter 8 . 7/21/2016
Yes, PLEASE have Harry save Reg! I figure Snape is beyond saving by now (turning spy coz the girl he's OBSESSED with is threatened doesn't count).
katiek121 chapter 8 . 7/18/2016
This is a great chapter! It was nice to read another one after a long time without it. I like that we got to read about Regulus' first mission he volunteered for. I also think Harry gave Lily good advice.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/18/2016
I just wanted to say, I listened to you and I offer my condolences
Royal Blue Phoenix chapter 7 . 5/5/2016
JustSmileAndBeHappy chapter 7 . 4/2/2016
Thanks for posting :). Looking forwards to more. Am hoping the marauders will start to accept Harry and bring him into their group
Father of Understanding chapter 7 . 1/23/2016
Well, this was certainly awkward. XD
Father of Understanding chapter 6 . 1/23/2016
Reggie! I've got you, child! *hugs Regulus*

*sobs* I'm still sad about Alan Rickman.
katiek121 chapter 7 . 1/17/2016
This was a good chapter! My favorite part was between Remus and Harry.
Loopy Leefy chapter 7 . 1/16/2016
This looks really interesting. (What can I say? I like 'Harry is transported to Marauder's time' fanfictions.) I'm looking forward to more!
Apfane Chan chapter 6 . 1/15/2016
"there had not been a single person in an odder situation than this"
I think Marty Mc Fly can sympatize with you Harry

And yeah the world is getting darker, so we always need to remember the bright spot in life!
violet-snowflake chapter 6 . 1/15/2016
i love the lenght of this chapter! i agree with your AN. tragedies bring out the worst and the best in people
anyway i am curious where this story will go. i have to admit that the part with regulus and the beating heart remonded me of a short story from school.
ricekrispyy chapter 5 . 1/8/2016
Hello! Welcome back!
Please do not feel obligated to update if you don't feel like it, we'll understand :)
And I know it may sound empty coming from someone who knows nothing of losing a loved one, but I truly am sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine how painful something like that would be, and still, I'd expect that what I could come up with would still only be a fraction of how terrible it actually is.
My condolences to you and your family
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