Reviews for The Bonds of Brotherhood
BelieveInTheHoundsOfJustice60 chapter 1 . 5/21/2017
BubblyShell22 chapter 1 . 4/6/2016
Awesome story. Yeah, Seth will always be part of the family no matter what may happen. He knows he can't be with them now, but he'll always be their brother and he'll come back to them when the time is right. I hope it happens when he comes back from injury. Nicely done on this, Captain. It was great.

The Bubbly One,
AeonBlue chapter 1 . 11/18/2015
Well, THAT opens with a creepy bang – the Wyatts have one hell of an intro, anyway, but to see two of the bigger men of the WWE just laid out in the middle of the ring, and Bray there with a child, doesn't bode well for ANYONE involved in this. I can just picture that poor kid, dad laid out in front of her, and a complete stranger saying she's never going to be found. In that moment, you realize parents aren't invincible.

Wow, Dean as the voice of reason? I mean, not that he's not incapable of it, it just surprises me that he's the one trying to offer sage wisdom to Roman, and Roman apparently wasn't even taking it under advisement. Clearly, though, Roman's important to Dean – and so is Roman's daughter. I get the feeling this is a, “He's basically my brother, so she's practically my niece,” line of thinking from Dean.

Makes sense that thinking along family lines would bring Dean to reminiscing about his time with the Shield. They were a family of sorts, and Dean really does think of Maya as his niece. Given how unstable he always made his homelife out to be, it stands to reason that Dean would think of Roman as a relative, and would want to protect that.

Really, Seth? Wow...he might not be a complete weasel after all. Then again, he's got a good reason. Even when your family – the adults, the 'grown-ups' aren't getting along, there are always people within the family who band together to protect the kids. I don't know if I buy that Seth always keeps his promises; he's got too much of a self-serving streak for that. But, I do believe that if he made a promise to a kid who probably really believed in the 'magic' that was the Shield, and in the family/band/tribe that she surely believed they were...then he'd do his damnedest to keep that promise. In some ways, Seth hasn't entirely turned his back on his brothers.

Ha – and there's my logical weasel. Dean's pure emotion; Seth's pure reason. Off to the boiler room we go!

Why, Dean? Because of the mega-creepy ambiance. The Wyatts wouldn't look as creepy from behind the chips-n-dip table in catering. “Pass the guac...AND YOUR SOUL!”

Gaw, poor Seth. He's so desperate, here – it's like he KNOWS the focus needs to be on Maya, not on their interpersonal tension, not on killing Bray, not on why the Shield broke up, just on Maya. Seth sees that; Dean is functioning on pure, raw emotion right now. I understand why; Roman's family was broken tonight, and now Dean is forced to work with someone who broke their at-work family by leaving the Shield. It's got to be completely overwhelming for him, and reminding him of too many fractures.

Nice job with the not in ring ring-action; you can really see the fight as it happens, right down to Seth being nervous and fumbling his way through things while Bray and Dean try to tear each other apart.

Poor hell of a night...beat up, lost his daughter, and now he thinks he's hallucinating! The guy can't catch a break. This is beautifully written, right down to how exuberant Maya is when describing the fight, and how desperate she is to see her dad and his brothers in arms back together. Ohana, indeed. Some bonds can't be broken. Dean's still too raw from the whole thing to understand that now isn't the time, but...maybe someday. Wonderfully done!
Willow Edmond chapter 1 . 8/8/2015
God, I'm embarrassed. I never put you on my notify list, so I didn't know you'd written anything new.

Okay, you're doing this from the Kayfabe angle, I love it. Wow, Bray is being.. well, the way Bray should be. I mean, I wasn't keen on the idea of throwing Roman's daughter in the storyline, but in Kayfabe it makes perfect sense Bray would do that.

Yes, Uncle Dean is on a rampage, awesome!

Seth.. man, yeah, Dean was so hurt by Seth's betrayal, it was so obvious, I felt so bad for him. But he's not going to let Bray get away with this. Good for him. Because he was right, Roman never should have brought his kid to the show with Bray on the warpath.

Seth wants to help? What? Promise? What's going on here? Hm... I wonder what Maya thought about Shield's break up then, if Seth promised they'd always be there for her?

LOL "Why do the evil wrestlers always have hide outs down here?" Good question, Dean. I always figured the boiler room was where Rob Van Dam went to hit the bowl before matches too.

Interesting, there's more than a rescue mission going on here, this is going to force Dean and Seth to hash it out. I wonder if Seth will defend himself? But yeah, the whole, "Plans, we need plans," is so Seth. I half expect him to pull out his smart phone, get online and find blueprints for the place. "Well if we crawl up this pipe, there is an escape valve that leads to a duct..."

Interesting, they're doing the fist thing. Dean actually is willing to go that far. It's like he's saying that for now, they will pretend this past year hasn't happened.

Hm... they found Maya, but it seems a little too easy, I'm thinking this is a trap Wyatt has laid for them, I wonder if they realize that could be the case.

Yep, I knew Wyatt would be nearby. Not sure if this was a trap, Wyatt seems like he might have just been startled by this, so, let's see how it goes. Seth is on rescue, Dean is on "Fight 'em off" duty.

Monologue.. god yes, Bray probably talks in his sleep because he can't shut up. "I am the eater of worlds... buzzards are delicious with hot sauce, Sister Abigale once told me something, but I don't remember what it was, because I was talking right over her..."


Nice! They got out with the kid, and realize that their might be more to Shield than can be killed by folding chairs.

Oh, Roman, and now you're going to think they're idiots? Yeah, Maya isn't messed up because they saved her! Geesh!

Aw man, but Seth still thinks he's the Authority guy? That sucks. But, let's see what the kid has to say.

Interesting... Seth is acting like he's got a mission here, that he doesn't want to leave the Shield, like he's planning on coming back. Are you SURE this isn't the start to a bigger story? Sure sounds like it to me!
SamA3642 chapter 1 . 8/6/2015
This is amazing please update again
ZVArmy chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
Hey. I saw you among Willow's reviews and decided to check out something of yours if I could see anything that appealed. Then I saw that you write kayfabe, possibly my favourite stuff to read.

I really enjoyed this one shot. "We'll always be Ohana." That line kind of made the whole thing for me. It showed that Seth realised that money means nothing, being on the good side of the bosses means nothing, even being WWE champion means nothing compared to the relationship you can have with your brothers.

I think you wrote Bray well too. Dude thinks he's all big and scary, but the reality is that he's an idiot that everyone beats up on. Telling Maya that no one would ever find her and then taking her to the boiler room. Good job, bro. No one will think to look there. lol
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Amazing one shot, I loved it! Great job
Guest chapter 1 . 8/1/2015
Amazing one shot, I loved it!
caylender chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
I love how you call Seth both a traitor and a brother in the same line of thought; this really shows how complex the situation is. It's not like they can just write off the betrayal, which is why I like that you didn't have them reform the Shield here; however, you do set it up nicely, so if you ever feel so inclined, you could easily write a companion piece with the reformation. Also, I see what you mean with how creepy kid story lines are. Overall, very nice. _
error404-known chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
Yeah, those tumblr fans talked a lot about that as well. Bray wasn't after Roman's daughter, he was after Roman's fear. Does that make sense? Anyways, what if that would of happened, I think that's what they had in mind when Bray brought up father's day and had the picture of the two.

Kudos to you not to use Roman's little girl name, something those fans from tumblr, doesn't understand how wrong that it. But enough about that. Seth coming in with the save, helping Dean (help Roman) find the little girl. Interesting piece, just suprised no one thoight of something like this already. Good job :)
Seth rollins babe chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
I love it. It's so cute