Reviews for To Sleep Perchance to Dream
SharonE chapter 22 . 6/15
They have another baby?. Are you going to update this again again?
Akid18 chapter 22 . 2/15
Why is her daughter calling gabe daddy?
I didn’t understand?
Jody1990 chapter 22 . 7/11/2019
Staying up until ungodly hours to finish reading this over the last couple of days was probably not my finest idea but I just couldn’t put my phone down. I was hooked from the start, I really hope you update this, I can’t wait to see where it goes with the epilogue. Yay to a new child, and quite sweet that Zay and Katie share the same dad. Will there be a flash back to pregnant Beca?
Guest chapter 22 . 3/23/2019
Where do I start. I guess first I want to thank you for continuing and for your dedication. Putting your work out here for people to read and comment on is sonething really brave and I commend you for that. You write very well and what first drew me to this fic was how different it was from a lot of Bechloe fics. Chloe is very different in a fucked up way but you still see where she's coming from. Midway through the fic and I felt like the drama has been dragged for the sake of drama but ut was still really good. The last few chapters made me scratch my head though. I know you may just want to keep your readers on their toes and spring in twists here and there to spice up the plot. But I really can't recomcile the Gabe of it all. I get how you took great care in making him the Golden Boy of the story. The good stand up guy who can do no wrong and is always sensible and reliable. But to make him the father of Beca and Chloe's daughter too? Granted that we know little as of now about that particular relationship. Maybe be is just there (as he always is in Bechloe's life) as a dad figure. But do kids really have to have that? Two moms not enough? She also has to have a daddy like Zayn?

Sorry but you totally lost me on Gabe. I get that you love him to death but he just killed the whole story for me. So much high hopes then the last part just brought me back down to earth. He may be Chloe's best friend but he sure looks like Chloe's husband and part time lover with Beca as the official "wife".
BP4709 chapter 22 . 3/23/2019
Dude wth? The Gabe-Chloe relationship mskes me puke. He is Bechloe's daughter's father too? That's fucked up. How about have Jen as her other Mommy too? That would complete the "family" lol! All the unnecessary drama to reach THIS state. Even if Gorgeous perfect Gabe is not the real dad, it's just cringey. I don't know what to think of this snymore lol.
elenajordan-CV chapter 22 . 3/23/2019
Gabe is also Katy's dad? Biological too? I mean even if he is only a father figure, I am really bothered by his presence. Sorry it just makes me uneasy.
Guest chapter 22 . 3/22/2019
Huh? Is Chloe fucking Beca and Gabe?! Another child.. It seems like their together. Hay I wasted my time reading this
What chapter 22 . 3/21/2019
I am so confused. So Gabe is also Katy's "Daddy"?. Did he give his sperm to Beca too? I mean I get the Modern family set up but seeing Gabe over and over again and making him the Daddy to both kids just makde me squirm. Bechloe seems like sister wives with a common husband in Gabe.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 22 . 3/21/2019
Great update. Glad to see you back. Is this also on AO3? Also what other fandoms do you write for? Excited for more. :)
Guest chapter 21 . 8/19/2018
BOTH epilogues were short & useless. Was this a BeChloe fic or shove my annoying OC’s down your throat fic? Every supposed BeChloe scene either had them yapping on about one of your precious OC’s or had them in it. Ridiculous! Also you downplayed Jen’s craziness so much. She sabotaged Beca’s Business & personal life like a obsessive stalker. She’s mentally unstable period. Having Chloe quickly forgive her & team up w/ her never made any damn sense.

You have so much potential as a writer, but cut back the unnecessary dramatics & OTT out of place OC’s.
Guest chapter 19 . 8/19/2018
Way to many overly dramatic dreams. Wasted to much time. The Gabe/Zay plot was just weirdly written. Most of the chapters you write Chloe as though she’s not a mother. The kid is rarely mentioned in her or Becca’s thought process. Makes no sense
Guest chapter 8 . 8/19/2018
This story had so much potential, but it turned to trash with your pushing of irrelevant OC’s. Don’t give a flying fuck about annoying ass bitter Jenny. You beyond ran the silly Bales/Frank bit into the ground
ML.Ndlovu chapter 21 . 7/13/2018
The dreams had me messed up, thinking that it was something that was happening in the present tense.. Nonetheless, this story is a very good read. Kudos to you.
damarism chapter 21 . 3/4/2018
Wow, this story! I am loving the epiloge, after everything our girls went trough they deserve their happily ever after! Just have to say during the course of this story you had me with my breath stuck at my troath several time, specially with the last dream where I almost lost it hahaha Thanks for writing this and I can’t wait for the next update!
psanjuan chapter 21 . 1/24/2018
More please!
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