Reviews for Fish-Like Idiot
Michaelssw0rd chapter 1 . 11/19/2015
This story makes me feel so bitter about the fact that it never happened in the show. WHY COULDNT THEY DO THAT IN THE SHOW. Why couldn't Merlin just... help Morgana when she felt so very isolated. I just... yes this is brilliant and i am going to pretend this happened and then Morgana was always good and kind and wonderful and on Camelot's side.:D
LifeIndeed chapter 1 . 7/28/2015
Awwwww this was so cute, and so canon even if it technically isn't. *sigh* I only wish. I really enjoyed this though, especially how Merlin guides her and also Morgana's hilarious words at the end! Priceless! You know me, I'm a sucker for this ship, so I greatly appreciate even this small little scene between them. Great job :)
Lady Flurryous chapter 1 . 7/28/2015
I was promised there would be a kiss, where is the Mergana kiss? Hahahahahaha, just kidding, for now a hug will sufice, but it won't be for long enough, muahahahaha!
It was nice having Merlin teach Morgana magic and the whole feeling of how magic manifest first in a person's body and it's an extent of their minds in the real world.
And now you have to write the continuation of this one!
horoscopesarelies chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
That was sooo cute! The ending made me go awww :D
guardianofdragonlore chapter 1 . 7/27/2015
Oh no. They better get to her before Gwen sees Arthur. He he he.
Samsquatch67 chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
Thank you for writing!

Oh dear, Gwen...!


I always wanted Merlin to tell Morgana...! So, now I can think of this as canon, and be perfectly content, no? Da. Spaseeba!

God bless!
staymagical chapter 1 . 7/26/2015
hahaha that was so cute! I always wanted Merlin to have taught Morgana magic and how to control it and use it well. This was wonderful. Oneshot prompts eh? What about one where Arthur, Morgana, and Gwen have to fight to keep Merlin's secret a secret after someone finds out and threatens to tell, or something like that?
Stardustinmyeyes12 chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
XD! The image of Merlin as red as a fish mouth open like "Aw shit." will forever be a amusement to me and make me laugh forever. Great job as usual crafting such a wonderful Merlin story! Can't wait for more from you and can't wait to see the new fic it sounded good when you suggested it to me a while back when you were deciding which story to start first and I can't wait to see it all fleshed out and to see what wonderful story you have come up with this time.
Invenire chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
OHO. Morgana's lil quip at the end! Loved how you inserted Guinevere :) this is totally in character! Thanks for the dedication, it means a lot 7
ProcrastinationIsMyCrime chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Haha, nice.
BlipBloop chapter 1 . 7/25/2015
Nice! It was super cute and funny. :D