Reviews for After All
Mina xu chapter 13 . 9/6/2014
Please continue this... it was amazing story! So don't just abandon this
GalanthaDreams chapter 13 . 3/10/2012
I'm still hoping, something like two years from my last review, for this story to come back to life. Hope is a very powerful thing and your story-all of them, inspire it.
fic reader chapter 13 . 1/25/2011
*sighs* I really like the way you write this couple. I know it has been years since you updated, but I will always hope that someday you will return and add more. Thanks for all the great stories that you've written and shared with us!
GalanthaDreams chapter 1 . 11/1/2010
I confess...I will never give up hope that this marvelous story will be updated. I know it has been something like six years but-I find it so entrancing that I can wait longer for more. Until the time that you feel like updating again I will happily reread.
Shallindra chapter 13 . 7/19/2010
Are you gonna leave it hanging like this? please continue...
Takako469 chapter 13 . 11/29/2008
i've read your story, reread your story, and rereread your story multiple time (i'm also a fan of "Enemies and Allies," which has been saved to my pocketPC so that i may reread that one even out of the house). ~please~ could you, would you, finish this story? it's brilliant; the characterizations, plot, interactions, etc. are all well thought out and completely believable. i was kinda rooting for a Aoshi/Megumi pair in EaA, and was a little disappointed that it was not to be, but then i saw this appear and i got excited. i know it's been a while since you last updated, but could you please finish it? i'm willing to bribe if i have, 1 fanart per chapter? i know i'm far from the best, but i've been told i'm pretty good. *hopeful look*
Garowyn chapter 13 . 12/25/2005
Very interesting so far. Looking forward to more.
random reader person chapter 13 . 6/5/2005
wow...well-written and well-developed! please please please update soon...i love the evolution in their relationship-it's really sweet! again, great job and PLEASE update when you're not busy!
ennov chapter 13 . 6/4/2005
Hey i love this alot so pls pls pls updated it haha keep up the good work and upload it soon..._
Neko-chan chapter 13 . 3/23/2005
That is not updating in a long long time. I have to say it is like hinting towards Aoshi's and Megumi's romance but nothing has happned, so its like they are taking it slow. I love that! So you have to keep updating. Please update soon! or else Battousai will come and get you. Very very good story... and making this girl wait is not a pretty sight to see. ~.~
msdeep88 chapter 13 . 3/14/2005
How could you not update this wonderful, great, story? nine months since your last updat. I know I getting into Aoshi and megumi thing kind of late and all but i like this story and I encourage you to keep writing.
AzaleaFaye chapter 13 . 1/28/2005
i'm sure you're extremely busy, but i just wanted to say hello and that i really miss your updates. how about we make a deal: if one of us updates a story, then the other has to do it too? but yeah, i'm really hoping you'll continue (and maybe finish?) this well-written story.

have a nice day!


ps...i just realized, i haven't reviewed in SO
PhoebeOtaku chapter 13 . 10/24/2004
updating? D
Larissa Hyuga chapter 13 . 9/29/2004
WONDERFUL! the best and most well-written fic ive seen here! Oh,god? i wish you would upload really soon!
Reignva chapter 13 . 7/15/2004
Hiya! Sorry I haven't been able to review! I forgot to check up on this story! (Sory! Forgive me! Onegai! :() anyways, Aoshi is so cool! Hope you update again soon!


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