Reviews for Angel Heart
Miropa chapter 14 . 12/24/2007
When I stumbled onto this story in my attempts to escape the utter torrent of Heero/Duo stories I admit I was skeptical, however having read the whole thing over the last couple days it has worked its way into my favorite stories on the site.

The only real criticism I have with the story thus far is your random insertion of Japanese titles, words, and phrases into the story. The problem I have with them is that, while the show was recorded in Japanese, only Heero is listed as being Japanese in ethnicity, with Duo being American, Trowa - Italian, Quatre - Arabic, and Wufei - Chinese; the only purpose of being recorded in Japanese was to make it watchable for a wide audience. To me the random insertion of titles, words, and phrases only serve as meaningless drivel as I have no cultural ties that give any significant meaning to those words. The result is just broken Engrish, calling someone a damned 'baka' is no better or more meaningful then saying they are a damned 'idiot'. It can only matter to those who have been immersed in the culture those words are used in, and to the rest of us it just slows the reading down as we pull up the Internet Japanese to English translator.

I understand where depression and real life bullshit can ruin a stories progression (see my pathetic pile of W.I.P.s) and I hope you find it in you to keep updating this story once or twice a month. My minor issues with language aside this story is the best Duo/Wufei stories around and I can't wait to see what you do next!
In2lalaland chapter 13 . 11/8/2007
And I have now read it 4 times :) I could hardly believe my eyes when I checked my mail. But there it was, a Angel heart update. I had to read it again just to be sure. But it was still there. A update. But since I read the mail in the morning I didn't have time to read it before I had to go. The result was that I walked around all day and thought about what the new chapter was about. Oh, the pain. But I have now read it (and the rest of the story, again) and I can say that I really like where this is going. It feels very promising. I like how the story is taking on a more serious tone. The earlier chapters are more about Quatre running around like a five year old on a sugar rush. That and Wufei being pissed of at Quatre for running around like a five year old on a sugar rush. I -really- liked the piano room scene, it was, gods! words don't fail me now, it was wonderful. It made their relationship more credible not to mention that it was sweet as hell. The side story about Duo's father is really giving the story an extra twist. It's not often you get to see and ... understand might not really be the word I'm looking for but... a bit of a insight into the very sick mind of a child molester. M, I hope Wufei teaches Duo enough to have him kick his fathers ass. And let Wufei help... and Heero... and Quatre... hell, let the neighbors help, let them all help. Why don't we all have a good old lynching. Yeah, I'd like that.

I just hope that you're not going to bring in too many new characters. (I have bad experiences with that. Where there are so many new people running around that you don't know whats going on) There are a lot new faces in the later chapter but it works so far (just ventilating my fears).

Hmm, there was something els that I wanted to say... Oh! The class trip thing sounds just perfect for the development of the story. To take then away from their family and their homes (and especially Treize! The whole “virtue” thing is getting old. But on the other hand...I don't have that much understanding for it at all. *shrugs* I'm Swedish, we don't really have that way of thinking... well I can't speak for the whole country, but I have never heard of anything like it. It just seams like a waste of time. It's not like teens ever listens anyway O.o) and finally let then have some ALONE time. Ok, I'm babbling. Right, where was I? Right. Are you going to turn this into a crossover with FAKE and Harry Potter or are you just using the characters?

Well anyway. Very well done. Nice to see you writing again and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. (For some reason I have all ready reviewed chapter 14 *blinks* oh well. I just have to put it on 13) Hugs and kisses /In2lalaland
SanzoGirl chapter 14 . 11/3/2007
It was good so please update soon! Lovey dovey!
getaiyou chapter 14 . 10/28/2007
I'll be watching.
getaiyou chapter 13 . 10/28/2007
No, you did not just do that to me. No. Not right there. It is total injustice. Injustice I say, you hear.
In2lalaland chapter 14 . 4/11/2007
I just re-re-read this story. It's on of my absolut favourits. It's simply brilliant. Just wanted to say thank you and if you ever fell like updating it would make me wery happy :)
Savannah chapter 14 . 7/28/2006
Man, I hope you continue to update soon. :( Ive read this story about 5 times already. I want to know what happens already. hehe. So hurry! You are doing a great job.. and even if people are being stupid and aren't reviewing, I know there's lots of people that are enjoying this, and are waiting for the next chapter. :)
SelenaFrost chapter 14 . 8/28/2005
this is an awesome story I really love how Quatre acts...somehow I always deemed him a hentai... I man looking THAT innocent could have a mind that clean... lmao... I'm thinking of writing a fic about him being the God of Destruction or something... heh even funnier God of Sex... lmao anyways update soon I love this story a lot...oh and I hope Trieze finally gets laid that poor man needs it... considering who his brother is...he needs it BAD... some relaxing time... *blink* oh and I love the Gravitation reverence in here...I LOVE Ryuuchi the most ADORBLE guy EVER but then Shuuchi's cuteness is so undeniable why do you think Yuki can't resist him! GAH I LOVE THEM BOTH... ugh like I love the Zechs and Trowa couple...never pictured that before... very hot image... CHEERS FOR RELENA NOT BEING A HEERO STALKING MANIAC! *throws fist into the air* I love it! ah man this is turning into a long's been a long time since I've read a fic that's captivated me like this it's awesome work... slight spelling and grammer needs to be fixed once and a while but all in all it's GREAT! good job really!
anissa32 chapter 14 . 8/1/2005
Thanks for the heads up! I for one will eagerly awaiting your next update! Enjoy your vacation and take care!
Really Bad Eggs chapter 4 . 4/5/2005
Hmm.. you definitely have some nice ideas, and I usually like stories that place the GW boys in high school, but... you really need to work on characterizations. Wufei is not a blushing girl. Neither is Heero. Your characters act like girls. Guys tend not to gossip about crushes, and they also tend not to be mall crawlers like yours are. Especially jocks (and this is really a stereotype, so i'm sorry about that - but most stereotypes are rooted in truth) don't notice what sorts of brands they have, much less have favorites.

Overall, your grammar is... decent. You could definitely do with a beta, but at least you sppear to use spell check (a bit of technology that is evidently beyond a lot of people). You need to work on the difference between 'your' and 'you're' and also how to properly use quotations. This is the line that really got me, though:

"The kids are adorable. They can stay! LOL!"

Aside from the fact that this is evidently HEERO speaking (can you imagine him speaking like a pre-teen girl on AIM?), but internet speak is a HUGE no-no in prose. Why would someone actually say 'lol'? It doesn't work. They'd just laugh. Net Speak is bad enough as it is - the only thing I hate more is Fangirl Japanese - but to put it on your dialogue? Inexcusable.

This is not a flame, and I am sorry if it seems that way - I am simply trying to offer constructive critism. Your biggest and most annoying problem is your characterization. These are supposed to be male high school seniors, not blushing middle school girls with their first crush. If you can't get the characterizations down well, it might as well be an original story.
Shinigami Miya Mizu chapter 13 . 3/22/2005
This was an awesome chapter! I can't wait for more. ::Flames surround Miya:: UPDATE! But I also like the random characters from random show/ manga, movie/book. But this was great!

anissa32 chapter 13 . 2/17/2005
Alright! It really is true if you wait ling enough good things will happen to you! I ams o glad to see that this story has been updated and it is nice to see Duo finally happy. Also, I have to heartedly agree that Duo's father is a real s.o.b. that needs to put out of this misery. It looks like he is planning on escaping and the first thing that he plans to do is to retrieve Duo for himself. But, I think that this time he is going to be in for a rude awakening because with Wufei and Heero training him he should be able to put up a fight and not be so defenseless. Poor Treize he really is having a hard time of it dealing with his loneliness. I'm glad that you decided to introduce a new love interest for him because he deserves love too. Well, I for one will be eagerly awaiting the next update of this so please post again soon and take care of yourself.
Siren of the Darknessflame chapter 11 . 8/29/2004
I already reviewed this fic but i asked a question about if they were dry humpng but my computer had skipped over a chapter so i was out of the loop when i went i back over it i realized i skipped this chapter. So disregard that question.
Siren of the Darknessflame chapter 12 . 8/29/2004
Well that ending to chapter 12 took a freaky turn. What i didn't get with duo and wufei is if they screwed or just got off because they were still some what dressed. Anyway i think this was a great fic please update soon.

Read ya later,

Siren of the Darknessflame
Merit Somnia chapter 12 . 8/20/2004
Intriguing end to the chapter. I like this chapter. Well worth the wait.
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