Reviews for In The Blood
angel897 chapter 22 . 7/2
awesome to read, drama filled but with a lot of love as well. thank you for sharing this story with us all
angel897 chapter 10 . 7/2
awesome to read so glad Kerri told her father the ugly truth
SOA Reader chapter 10 . 6/25
This was a beautifully written chapter, and I love the sexual tension between Chibs and Harper.
SOA Reader chapter 9 . 6/25
This was so sad at the start, poor Chibs and Harper. I’m happy they got back together, and I’m glad Chibs understood from where Harper was coming from, she was only protecting him.
SOA Reader chapter 8 . 6/24
This was so beautiful but heartbreakingly sad, poor Chibs and Harper.
SOA Reader chapter 7 . 6/24
All hell is going to break loose now, Chibs is not happy but I hope he doesn’t blame Harper. She was trying to protect him and the club, from any of Jason’s retaliation.
SOA Reader chapter 6 . 6/24
Fiona saw the video as well, and Jimmy O’ was involved in the attack on Harper? This won’t end well.
SOA Reader chapter 5 . 6/24
Oh boy, Chibs is coming closer to finding out the truth and it’s not going to be pretty for everyone involved.
SOA Reader chapter 4 . 6/24
Poor Gemma, that was horrific what happened to her in season 2 at Weston and his friends hands. I have a feeling that Chibs’ will not be happy when he finds out that Harper didn’t tell him that she was having his baby.

Is CFT the name of their son?
SOA Reader chapter 3 . 6/24
Poor Harper, she and Chibs had a son and Jason is the som of an Irish King? Holy shit, this is getting intense and I wonder how Chibs’ will react.
SOA Reader chapter 1 . 6/24
I always wondered about Otto and Luann, I love that you’ve made them the parents of Harley and Harper. I’m excited to see more of Chibs and Harper’s relationship, and yes Donna is alive.
PD1957 chapter 22 . 6/24
Reaper Lady chapter 22 . 6/23
This was a fantastic chapter, I can’t wait to see Chibs getting revenge on Jimmy O’ fir what he did to him, Harper and Kerrianne. Not to mention, Jax and Abel as well.

Kozik and Harley suit each other, really well.
Guest chapter 22 . 6/23
Damn, this is getting intense. Are you and Maiihemm going AU in parts of the show? I love the dynamic relationships between Chibs, Harper, Kerrianne, Kozik, Harley and Kendra.
Mist17 chapter 21 . 11/3/2018
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