Reviews for Sun Seekers
jy24 chapter 3 . 1/31/2017
This is also an interesting fanfic, really can't wait to read more.
INeedTimeForFics chapter 3 . 6/24/2016
I really love your writing style! You also created a wonderful parent OC, since it seems so believable. I really do hope you'll finish this fic to completion!
write-notright chapter 3 . 4/7/2016
Kaneki can never catch a break I swear. He deserves this au, with a hide he doesn't have to constantly lie to (at least not with the most important thing).
blerman chapter 3 . 1/24/2016
Love this so much! UPDATE IT FOR KANEHIDE!
baeotaku chapter 3 . 1/10/2016
This is one of my favorite fanfics! So CUTE! Hide is adorable and Kaneki is still too pure for this world. Keep updating this because I need KaneHide in my life!w(\
YourAverageGem chapter 3 . 12/10/2015
Omg you updated! Yay, I really like this story xD I hope you update soon~
NATANFOREVAHHHHH chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
Yes! A new chapter! Loving the story so far, keep it up! :D
dlt-acct-pls chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
Haha I really like this!
ToonyTwilight chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
I have to admit Daiki has to be one of my most liked OCs I have ever come across due to his personality and how he and Hide work off each other as father and son, be proud of how well you made him! It was a shock to see he knew and how he knew Kaneki but it works really well when you have Daiki talk with Kaneki about ghoul stuff. With Daiki I see a man with a kid the same age as Kaneki trying to (awkwardly) comfort and help not an flat character doing as plot tells him to. I can really see Kaneki dealing with the ghoul stuff much better with the Nagachika's help.

Also the Hide glomp makes an appearence! But lets be honest if anyone needs the Hide glomp it be Kaneki in this AU you have made even more now that we know more of Kaneki's past.

Good luck with the next chapter!
tats magicalmcguffins chapter 3 . 12/9/2015
The dad is cute I love his character.

I know it's difficult to make oc parents so good job
ToonyTwilight chapter 2 . 10/4/2015
Ok I am saying this now I love Hide's Dad and how they act with each other! Also I can't wait to see more Kaneki and Hide next time!
ToonyTwilight chapter 1 . 10/4/2015
I always love reading ghoul Hide fics and I love how you are writing this! I think with Hide as his 'ghoul guide' Kaneki might just find more happiness this time around.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/17/2015
*SCREAMSSS* i love this ahhh! its a totally different take on hide being a ghoul and only meetking kaneki now, and YESS i need more of Hide protecting and taking care of Kaneki! Too cute!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/7/2015
Hi, same guest here. Omg Hide and his dad and "im not a monster" this update was incredible
TheSwedishDragon chapter 2 . 8/4/2015
Another amazing chapter :D
Keep it up!
(Still love you xD)
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