Reviews for Harry Potter: Master of Death and RPG's
PMMM WalpurgisNight chapter 7 . 5/27
Gotta say I'm loving this story. Not many people write the Dursleys as redeemable so it's a refreshing angle especially since its not happening overnight and each one has actual REASONS for their reactions. Too bad this fic seems dead it was great. This is definitely one I can get behind.
iPlxel chapter 7 . 5/14
continue pls it's been 7 years this is so unique and good :c
DontMindMe chapter 7 . 3/12
Shame you never continued
Marshman101 chapter 7 . 2/9
This is really cool I would love to see more
tateilla chapter 7 . 11/29/2019
super read hope you continue. thank you for your work.
Corwyn chapter 7 . 9/3/2019
I'm enjoying this so far, and hope it continues. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/21/2018
This is fucking hilarious. I am having the weirdest image of Harry dancing right now
Mark Adaar chapter 7 . 7/24/2018
Pretty good story. Does Harry have any traits too? May I suggest Hot Headed, Impulsive, Stubborn, Active and Brave for him?
King IceReaper chapter 7 . 7/11/2018
This is the most realistic Gamer story I have ever read. The Characters appear to be like actual people and not robots with a Pre-written script.
anonimous chapter 7 . 12/11/2017
I have read MANY Harry Potter time-travel/gamer stories and NEVER have any of them FULLY redeemed the Dursleys.

Sure Harry improves his REP with them sometimes but they always end up in jail one way or another.

So to see someone ACTUALLY make at least Petunia regret her actions and have Dudley start questioning whether what he's doing is right after all?

You my friend better update soon because I want see where all this goes.
Unknown9501 chapter 7 . 12/13/2017
Hope this isnt the end its really well writtien and has a great story i would really like to see more of it i wonder what happen to make you stop writing on it
the real narnia chapter 7 . 12/9/2017
Wow. Just... Wow. I really love the way this is playing out. You've already made me cry with the relationship between Harry and Petunia, and I really can't wait to see how this develops. Especially because he's only six!

I really love the idea that one day they'll all accept magic and Harry can use it around the house super casually.

I know that it's been years since you've today's, bit I really hope you decide to continue this. Harry is adorable, and this fic is amazing.
I hope you update soon, and I look forward to the next chapter. Happy writing! :)
the real narnia chapter 2 . 12/9/2017
Calling it right now - fate was Luna's mom. :)

I fucking love this concept
The Horsemen's Commander chapter 7 . 10/4/2017
Hello. I was wondering if you had plans to finish this story? I really enjoy it. its been in my favorites for some time now. Thanks!

The Reaping ScytheReader
kronoan chapter 7 . 8/9/2017
I really love this story! I hope to see more of it please!
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