Reviews for Akashiya
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2019
This has potential but it also has a lot of issues.
It's littered with grammar mistakes. So many that the text doesn't quite make sense at times.
What's with randomly italicising words? It's unnecessary.
cherryvvoid is a scammer chapter 2 . 4/29/2019
Please go to .com to read about Cherryvvoid's full story.

She regularly scams people of their money on tumblr, asking for money every few weeks to pay for her bills. Her tumblr username is vodouist. She was asking for $30 on tumblr less than an hour ago. Her venmo is $tuesdemfulmore.

Last month she went on a cleanse so she can pass a drug test to get unemployment benefits. She's going to use the m0ney$$ from her gofundme to buy pot.
flying bull chapter 1 . 2/28/2019
cherryvvoid is VODOUIST on tumblr. For someone who has no wifi, they've been very active on tumblr all this time. They were asking for $426.53 for their gas bill not even 70 minutes ago.
flying bull chapter 2 . 2/28/2019
1. Cherryvvoid has been asking for money since August of last year. On FanfictionNet as of January 4, 2019.

2. Cherryvvoid has multiple tumblrs, twitter, and instagram accounts that they have used to ask money for and ask votes in contests for previously.

3. Cherryvvoid's original AO3 account got deleted for violating terms of service and they made a new 0ne, updating a story as recent as yesterday.

4. There is more than $3,700 on their unverified GoFundMe as of yesterday.

5. Go read Tea-With-Raccoon's tumblr post/182768202182/cherryvvoid-the-full-story for all the details of how CHERRYVOID IS SCAMMING YOU.
McMousie chapter 2 . 1/7/2019
A fan fiction site is not an appropriate place to ask for money.
Everyone, please be cautious before you choose to donate. Remember that you really know nothing about this person other than what they have chosen to tell you. You have no way of knowing whether they are being honest. Nor do you have any way of knowing how they plan to use that money.
naxela99 chapter 2 . 1/4/2019
hey guys it really important to be there for your authors in their times of need. go to cherry's gofundme and check it out it's really easy to donate even if it's your first time on the site and okay if you don't send too much. also spread the word if you can the more people see this the more likely cherry is to get the help they need.
Axel Fones chapter 1 . 5/21/2018
This is interesting. Imagine Yusuke's face after getting trained by her and thinking 'you live with her!?' lol
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2017
Wow! This looks like it's going to be a great story! I can't wait until you update! But I wonder, is all that stuff about the space and flying relevant? It kinda dragged on in the beginning and I kinda just skipped over it. Great writing! I can't wait to find out where this is going to go! Please update soon!
Lady Kaiki chapter 1 . 7/28/2017
Awesome ! Plz, update soon !
xenocanaan chapter 1 . 5/15/2017
I really hope you post the next chapter soon!
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 1 . 4/1/2017
Oh god! She's the daughter of a vampire kind of demon? Please tell me he's deader than a doornail and was sorta strong at least?
Everlasting Purple chapter 1 . 5/12/2016
Love this and would adore seeing more! The only lover we are hinted at Genkai having was with Toguro so that would be my vote on who she had a kid with. Hope to see more of this brilliant fic.
moon so bright chapter 1 . 2/24/2016
Magnificent concept. I hope you update it soon!
fellow chapter 1 . 7/24/2015
So glad this tale is back!
Kimiko chapter 1 . 7/22/2015
It is very promiqing !
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