Reviews for In the Fullness of Time
Mell C chapter 24 . 9/30/2018
Beautiful and so tender. Thanks for writing. I enjoyed reading.
OceanPenguin chapter 24 . 11/18/2016
Although I was skeptical of this story at first, never being much of a John/Mary shipper myself, by the end, I thoroughly enjoyed the fic. I felt that the progression of the story was logical and more importantly, natural. The characters themselves have changed with the times, so the Sherlock/John pairing isn't as forced as it would be in the BBC's Sherlock. I especially like how the writing shows, instead of tells. I can learn by seeing, and that's the part that makes such a large difference in story writing. If there was one thing I disliked though, it would be the beginning, because it was confusing. I could make out the bare outlines of the story, but not enough to fully hook my interest. Overall, though, this was a wonderful story.
watcher chapter 24 . 8/14/2015
I read the rest without rationing, oops.

Anyway, this was wonderful. Had me thinking about the chasms of time and perception in the best ways possible. I will be watching from afar to see what you do next. Thank you and good night.

-a watcher in the night
watcher chapter 16 . 8/14/2015
Thank you for this. I mean it. I am an old fanfic veteran and I hardly ever foray into the murky depths anymore. This has been a perfect thing to have as an open tab on my phone for quiet moments. I enjoy your writing style. You do an excellent job at conveying the mood of the story and the stretch of time. It feels like putting on a comfortable sweater. Also, kudos to your vocabulary! Also very refreshing. I just wanted to drop a line and let you know I'm enjoying, since I forgot my login and passcode eons ago.

-a watcher in the night.
iwakika chapter 24 . 7/15/2015
Wow, that was wonderful, you a great job in capturing the ecencia of the characters!
Captain Evermind chapter 24 . 7/15/2015
Lovely and sweet. What a beautiful fix-it. Cheers. :-)