Reviews for Skin
Guest chapter 23 . 7/12/2018
Oh my god! Help! Why is this not finished? Im . .and .to .fault dear writer..
SwordsmanCook chapter 23 . 6/22/2017
Looking forward to more! So good, and the angst just makes me want to scream in frustration because I want Sanji and Zoro to be happy together.
Hopefully you continue soon :)
Guest chapter 23 . 6/3/2017
I really love this story, I wish soulmates were an actual thing irl ;; please update soon! ٩(๑ᴗ๑)۶
Andy is quite dandy chapter 23 . 1/16/2017
Oh my god, I just read this in one sitting cause I couldn't put it down! I was only going to read one chapter but I couldn't stop lol! What I especially love are the beginning chapters, when things were just setting up, what with Zoro being weird and their bromance and all the sexual tension. But it's become really interesting now too, but maybe not as angsty as the beginning (I cried too much during those lol). The way you write, your writing style, it somehow ties everything together and makes everything more angsty. Truly, the angst felt like I was being stabbed in the heart throughout the story, and mixed with the sexual tension, it makes an amazing story! And even though the chapters are short, this is my favorite Zoro/Sanji story I've read. I don't know if it's a widely used idea or if it's entirely yours, but I love this soulmate AU with the skin. I am absolutely in love with this story, and I know it says for your own amusement, but I want to say there are readers who also love it! 23 chapters isn't easy! So thank you for your hard work, I hope you keep writing :)
Ki Ken Tai Ichi chapter 23 . 12/30/2016
Just got finished marathoning this piece and I wanted to express how interested I am in a soulmate fic where the two main romantic leads are NOT original soulmates. I think this really adds to the weight of their decision to be together and pursue a relationship despite the universe itself going again them.
I also like having a bit of extra Perona around. (I was worried at first his soulmate would be Tashigi. Not that I hate Tashigi, I just prefer Perona). She's such a great BFF character and you've really written their platonic bond well.
I'm really excited to see whether or not Sanji will use that serum and how this entire ordeal will end.
Anycents chapter 22 . 12/23/2016
Okay, I withdraw my earlier comment, it was ineptly worded.
I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that the soulmate bond isn't arbitrary, that it's tied to some kind of underlying compatibility or purpose. So it seems like, while breaking the bond would remove that more direct pressure, it wouldn't remove the underlying reason Camie is Sanji's soulmate in the first place.
But perhaps that is part of the point? Maybe under other circumstance she would have been the best match for him, but that's not the choice he's made.
Also, doesn't Camie have a kind of Popeye and Olive Oil type relationship with Hachi? (That is, they have a relationship based on her constantly being kidnapped by people even dumber then Hachi and then he comes and saves her.)
shittygomu chapter 22 . 12/14/2016
"Zoro gets a split second of 'oh no' which is immediately followed by the dual sensation of no one will ever love him and his throat being crushed by an overloaded bar." I am HOWLING AHAHAHAAH

Good god thank god for Perona
These two idiots ohymgod
Guest chapter 23 . 12/13/2016
Why are you so awesome? :D
Guest chapter 23 . 12/13/2016
I hipe no one drinks that serumm by mistake...
Guest chapter 23 . 12/13/2016
I don't know why... But I kind of want to see Persona being a badass
Guest chapter 23 . 12/13/2016
I don't understand why having only Zoro as a soulmate won't solve Sanji's problem...? I mean it's natural to feel sexually attracted with different people, that doesn't mean you are in love with all of them... isn't the problem that he is Obssesed with Kamie because of the soulmate bond?
Guest chapter 23 . 12/13/2016
Persona is not trying to break them up because she wants Zoro only for herself ... she is just being overprotective. To be honest, I would be upset at Sanji too.. Not out of hate but out of fear Sanji may break Zero's heart...
Anycents chapter 23 . 12/12/2016
It occurs to me that breaking the soulmate bond would not solve Sanji's main issue, which is not that he likes both Zoro and Camie its that he is sexually attracted to both of them.
Turtle Kid the Woolgatherer chapter 23 . 12/12/2016
Aw, Sanji, you gotta TALK to Zoro about this. Stewing won't do anything!
Pii chapter 23 . 12/12/2016
Ouch... it should be painful... physically and mentally.
Sanji has gone so far for his marimo ;w;
I really wish this fic would end up sweet.
But it doesn't really matter for me either way.
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