Reviews for Tea And Tomatoes
Akatori chapter 1 . 8/4/2015
No they both got it wrong, it's... *Still trying to choose what to say*
Yoshiya: Don't start a joke if can't finish it !
Tori: Eeeeh ? But I can't make a choice and I just thought that maybe it'd have came naturally...
Yoshiya: You're an idiot
Tori: Well anyway, this fanfiction was short but I liked it I'm shipping this more and more too and since I've been reading the two previous SpUk OS and the next one, I think I'm going to read your other SpUk works before writing my own... (I'm a lazy person, but randomly...)
Dead dreams and Broken hearts chapter 1 . 7/13/2015
okay, I love this couple for the reason written here. They have those silly fights constantly and are adorable, I think you've captured the essence of SPUK. Their personalities in this one-shot are best described, you did a good job!
Pd: Sorry for my english and thanks for this amazing one-shot!