Reviews for What If
Guest chapter 1 . 5/19
Angry Madmoth chapter 1 . 4/1/2016
pricefield 4 lyfe yo

After playing both The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, which I both enjoyed, it was still nice to play Life Is Strange which just really was a ton of fun, and I spent so long agonizing over whether or not to pull the plug on disabled Chloe. One of the hardest choices I ever made in a game.
Lyta Halifax chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
Well that was lovely. I'm sorry I didn't find this sooner!

I think off the top of my head, the thing that I like the most about this story is that in my head cannon, this is going to replace what actually happened in the game. I really, REALLY disliked that in chapter 4, Max just kind of wakes up, and goes. "Oh! Chloe! You're alive! *hug* So yeah, lets just pretend that my sanity ISN'T slowly but inexorably disintegrating as I continually bear witness to Shit No Woman Was Meant To See." After all, I'm sure everyone is totally jonesing for a mini-game where I slap obvious clues together, instead.

(Okay, I kind of liked the mini game, but still).

That's the one element that I want to get whenever I write heavy (and even not so heavy) Life is Strange. That Max is sort of losing her mind..well maybe not losing, but her mind is getting skewed by all of this. The extra memories shes accumulated alone are difficult enough to process, but the alienation Max HAS to be experiencing, since she alone is the only one to have experienced this all, in the end...I imagine it's crushing.

Structurally, you're quite adapt at setting the mood and tone, painting the picture, as it were. I wish you would write more LiS fix, you seem more than up to the task!
me chapter 1 . 7/30/2015
This is really nice ... lovely written, in character. Made me cry. Well done, really!
Jack Barrington chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
Something tells me that (POSSIBLE EP 4 SPOILERS) Max will use her access to the Vortex Club in the alternate timeline to find out that they caused the tornado somehow and figure out how to stop them (hopefully). But this chapter does such justice to the world and characters of one of my favorite Xbox One games so far that I can't help but have feels. Well done. :3
LightTheWayAhead chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
Oh my gosh - I feel so sad for Max. Like others have said in the reviews, you definitely showed the pain Max felt. She seems torn! I haven't seen this in any other LiS fics, so it's awesome that you did that. I hope Max can go back to real time in Episode 4 and make sure punk Chloe stays!
MasterKenobi1138 chapter 1 . 7/8/2015
Very, very sweet. Max is heartbreaking to read, but it's worth it for what happens with Chloe.

I hope you're planning to write another LiS fic soon because this is great.
Reilovernat1213 chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
This was really sweet, and I think you really conveyed all of the pain that Max was going through - how broken she really was. Very in character and a lovely read all around! *A* I look forward to any future Pricefield stories that you write!
rowanred81 chapter 1 . 7/5/2015
I loved this, the tragic beauty in how passionate in wanting to help others led Max to become so broken. It isn't something necessarily tackled in many stories online and you capture how her open need for someone and Chloe's hesitant need for someone collide. Well done, and I hope you write another LiS story!