Reviews for Maker Have Mercy
AccountKillergogogo chapter 76 . 7/22/2016
Omg you're insane but also wow... Just amazing that you have the perseverance to do this. Obviously I'm going to read your rewrite as well and I'm wishing you the best with this insane task you have ahead of you.
METALHELLSPWN chapter 76 . 7/20/2016
And I enjoyed this story as well also also also quick suggestion put a couple miracles from DS in it or at least have a second person with Dark Souls magic. Preferably either Pyromancy or Sorcery since Mercy is a healer why not have a high damage magic caster.
GreaterGoodIreland chapter 76 . 7/20/2016
Skymoon18 chapter 75 . 6/21/2016
pft. Loved the filler thanks for updating and can't wait for more!
GreaterGoodIreland chapter 75 . 6/17/2016
Le Fer is portrayed very well, I think.
5 Coloured Walker chapter 75 . 6/16/2016
Honestly, it wasn't bad. I definitely wouldn't call it a monstrosity, but good.
I get your Muse being a d*ck though. Mine definitely was/is.

Vivienne and Mercy 'Bonding' sounds like fun, and this time you did catch all the errors (as far as I could see). I eagerly await more.
METALHELLSPWN chapter 75 . 6/16/2016
Dammit I was hoping for a song to be sung but oh well anyway I had after some time of watching/reading numerous overlord stories and about 25/116 episodes of a walkthrough of the first game on legendary difficulty for PC I had thought about "what if the Overlord used the Orcs and Goblins of LotR with the orcs having a caste system similar to the Uruk-Hai of SoM(Shadow of Mordor) with two new castes added peon(lowest of the low) and warlord(highest privilege only matching individuals like the Hammer, Tower, or the Black Hand of Sauron) instead of the minions" cause frankly the reason why the overlords of the past frail is because how small and weak the minions are.
GreaterGoodIreland chapter 74 . 4/17/2016
No reason not to include a little TES cameoing. Hell, the concept of my Outlander story was originally for Skyrim, until Inquisition came out and provided a better backdrop.
Mental Verin chapter 74 . 4/13/2016
Curve balls are fun. I'm wonder what mischief Mercy will get up to with the Rebel mages
METALHELLSPWN chapter 74 . 4/12/2016
-bows while still in narrator voice- thank you my dear author I'm pleased you enjoyed my review -stops- also I have been watching quite a bit of Dark Souls 3 by TearOfGrace and after having been forced to format my hard drive on my xbox and replaying Dragon age Inquisition I find myself wondering "what would it be like if the Chosen Undead were to wind up in Thedas?" Or Seigmeyer or Solaire for that matter if any of those three let alone the dragonslayer knights, mainly Ornstein, Artorias, or Go were to come to Thedas I wonder what the reactions would be if they were made the herald.
5 Coloured Walker chapter 74 . 4/12/2016
So she's a Green Lantern but with magic, got it. Just as long as she doesn't suddenly develop a wood or yellow allergy I'm sure I'll be able to handle that :p

A great chapter, I look forward to more.

avoid detection in time [This time. or 'Avoid detection long enough.'.]
Mental Verin chapter 73 . 4/7/2016
ooh! who was Frail going to tell? was it not just Alon? I must know these secrets!
5 Coloured Walker chapter 73 . 4/6/2016
Kost POV worked well. Also, woo! She can (Kinda) do any magic from anywhere! Boy she's going to have lots to play with...
Now to see how you avoid turning her into a Sue with this ability beyond falling unconscious, not because I think you will, just out of interest in seeing how you avoid it.
Warden of Lore chapter 73 . 4/6/2016
DOVAHKIIN DOVAHKIIN... I forgot the rest of the song
METALHELLSPWN chapter 73 . 4/6/2016
-acts as a narrator would when reading a book with Ian Mcallen(professor Xavier)'s voice- and so we come upon the sensitive subject of Mercy's recovery through the perspective of the Herald and Frail, the revealing of the Red Templars to the Inner Circle, and Cole's intervention and continued safety of Mercy's miscarriage, what will the rest of the Inquisition do when they come face to face with Mercy? Will they be skeptical? Yes but will they learn to accept her? That…remains to be seen.
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