Reviews for Valteran Empire
kirosyamcha chapter 5 . 6/30
noooo its been so long since this has been updated and i need more! :p
kirosyamcha chapter 1 . 6/30
i can understand some of those words but things like diablo and assassins creed seem out of place :d
stylo1 chapter 5 . 8/31/2019
oh another thing, a zpm draws from an artificial dimension but in the saiyan universe their cell generate it.

zpm small but limited life span
singularity generator

so the nexy logical step would be an organic zpm as big as you need them to be. imagine the power of one the size of a house, a 100 times as big as a saiyan...
stylo1 chapter 5 . 8/31/2019
2 things you are missing, energy absorbing armor for both ships and as personal armor and hyperspace drones. both of these are really usefull

other then this it is very wel done and truly a shame you didnt continue writing. compaired to that trash stargatesg1fan writes this is a master piece
stylo1 chapter 4 . 8/31/2019
a bit sloppy to leave all that tech behind after picking up the humans
stylo1 chapter 2 . 8/31/2019
why a cape? mr satan wears a cape that should tell you all you need to know
stylo1 chapter 1 . 8/31/2019
there would be no dna degeneration aslong as you keep a sample of the original
BrentNewland chapter 5 . 7/16/2019
Great story, hope you continue it.
jake141 chapter 5 . 7/4/2019
when is the next update?
jake141 chapter 2 . 7/4/2019
please continue writing this story.
it's amazing !
haseosamaa chapter 4 . 6/9/2019
a shame you diddnt continue , not enought stargate empire fiction like this one or the galactic emperium
eXceZz chapter 5 . 5/30/2019
I really really hope you update this fic.
loki98065 chapter 5 . 2/26/2019
fun start. I hope you come back to this at some point.
Hadrian.Caeser chapter 5 . 2/23/2019
Please continue this masterpiece
Commodore Krevin chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
-I'd still like to know considering the vastly different FTL technologies how Ba'al traveled through slipspace and managed to follow the Guardian.

-Why would Ba'al's first order be to attack? He knows the Guardian wiped out two Ha'taks. His first order of business should be to determine their location and bug out and get reinforcements. Ba'al is not stupid and he wouldn't fight a battle he couldn't win.

-Not that it matters. The Ha'tak gets crippled the instant it drops to realspace making the entire thing mute and this whole trip pointless.

-We get it. Cayleb is as obsessed with his appearance as a Goa'uld. Considering his constant refrains of himself as a "god" he appears as egotistical as one too. Surprising since he wasn't infected by one in this story.

-Well that was underwhelming.

-No, Cayleb. Ba'al is a charismatic, magnificent bastard of the highest order. You are a little boy with delusions of grandeur who couldn't accomplish anything without the endless number of toys you've been handed. Not to mention Plot Fiat keeping your schemes from crumbling apart beneath you.

-Did Cayleb not have enough of an advantage? Was it really necessary to steal a Ba'al clone as well? I mean just how weak is Cayleb that you have to keep handing him plot mucguffins?

-And from there the story stops once again just to info-dump exposition on us. Hearing about battleships isn't fun or interesting. Having them conjured off-screen isn't impressive. Detailing all the different classes isn't riveting. Its just...wank. And not even the fun kind.

-I'm not sure a "missile" that can phase through solid matter and strike at key vunerable points is particularly "flawed". nor do I see the lack of a warhead a problem. A rail gun doesn't fire a warhead but still effective at destroying things. Drones would also give Ancients ships far more degree of control and finess than a cruder area of attack weapons. So, like many things, Cayleb doesn't seem particuarly well equipped to understand the technologies at his disposal. not surprising, since he's a random park ranger who's gone mad with power.

-And why was this aside, complete with BS backstory, needed? From a story perspective it doesn't matter what his ships shoots. Which is something many fanfics writers fail to grasp. A story doesn't become better because you abuse the universe physics or min-max to create deathships. A story is about telling a story. Everything in it just a tool to tell it. Wasting time jacking off on your point defense drones or how you would "improve" them is wasting time that could be actually spent on the actual story.

-Again what was the point of all this? Useless information about how "awesome" your ships are? Information, if it was needed at all, that should be inserted into your story rather than just dumped on us. Again why should anyone care? Why should they be invested in your self-insert and what are little more than just fantasies? There's no sense of accomplishment. He just slaps stuff together telling us in detail how not a threat everything is.

-Why is he wasting his time against things that aren't threats? Who couldn't challenge him if they tried. If he's supposed to be on the par of gods, let him fight gods. At least then he might actually have a challenge and this story might become entertaining.

-And of course Ba'al chooses the course of action most beneficial to Cayleb for...reasons. I guess the slight threat if Ba'al actually knew about Cayleb was just too much for him to handle so that had to be swept away by plot fiat.

-Why are technical specs needed for Cayleb's fleet? What narrative purpose does that serve?

-Not a lot happened in this chapter. And most of what did is offscreen and we're just told about. Like everything else, everything just oddly breaks in Cayleb's way. he suffers no setbacks, no problems. Nothing to make this exciting.
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