Reviews for O Magnum Mysterium
Destiny734 chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
This was absofuckinglutely amazing. I need more. I need it now. Lol. But, seriously though. No real rush, I'm just hella impatient because I love this series so damn much.
MyUnicornCas chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
where's part nine? I can't find it and am freaking out here lol... all the angst?! oh where art thou?
MarieNovakWinchester chapter 1 . 8/21/2015
ʏօʊ ʍʊst աʀɨtɛ ʍօʀɛ! I ʟօʋɛɖ tɦɨs stօʀʏ ʟɨռɛ sօ ʍʊċɦ. քʀօʍɨsɛ ʍօʀɛ?
clueingforcasdean chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
You are an amazing author.
Akikofuma chapter 1 . 7/2/2015
So. I melted a bit. Dean finally said it. I think I might cry a little bit. So adorable.

And god damn cliffhanger! I can't wait to read the next chapter, especially because its going to be angsty! It tortures me! Please update like. Super soon!

As always, wonderful work. Loved the part with the wings, and the whole idea for the part after just. Wow.
anime-lover890 chapter 1 . 6/29/2015
This is a wonderful little series. I love how long the chapters are and your writing style is very good, you really draw the reader in. I really like the little public interactions between Dean and Cas and I can't wait to see more, I especially want to know what Sam is talking about. I look forward to the next instalment _
Little Cinch chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Woohooo, go SCOTUS! Happy dance of joy! I want ALL the gay sex!
And THANK YOU for this! Wing kink with a twist - I'll take it! And if you're offering more in the future, hells yeah, I'll take that, too. :)