Reviews for All the Holo Ghosts and Shadows
Obs3rv4nt-Onl00k3r chapter 13 . 2/10
Fantastic, mesmerizing, and Mind-Bending!
The Twists! The Turns! And that Little BREAK in the fourth wall a chapter or two ago!
Simply Delightful!

I await the next chapter with Avid Anticipation!
AngelKings chapter 8 . 2/5
This ia good, but your writing is a bit off. When one character is talking, they get thier own paragraph. When a new character is talking, its a new paragraph. For example.

"Why must you fight?" questioned the child, "Won't you get hurt?".

"Just what I do kid" replied the man with a hint of bordome in his voice.

what you do is thisWhy must you fight?" questioned the child, "Won't you get hurt?". "Just what I do kid" replied the man with a hint of bordome in his voice. There can be multiple dialogue in a paragraph, only if its from the same person. Like my example. When there character changes, so does the dialog. I am loving your story, and just want to help. Also, your MC feels weird, but in a good way ya know? just wanted to through that in their.
AngelKings chapter 8 . 2/5
This ia good, but your writing is a bit off. When one character is talking, they get thier own paragraph. When a new character is talking, its a new paragraph. For example.

"Why must you fight?" questioned the child, "Won't you get hurt?".

"Just what I do kid" replied the man with a hint of bordome in his voice.

what you do is thisWhy must you fight?" questioned the child, "Won't you get hurt?". "Just what I do kid" replied the man with a hint of bordome in his voice. There can be multiple dialogue in a paragraph, only if its from the same person. Like my example. When there character changes, so does the dialog. I am loving your story, and just want to help. Also, your MC feels weird, but in a good way ya know? just wanted to through that in their.
gothgod9415 chapter 13 . 8/23/2018
Nice job smiles still great story and honestly can't wait to see how it works out
Guest chapter 12 . 3/3/2018
people would want to read this story it's just that its been like a long time, when i saw it updated, i was so happy but i forgot the majority of the story so i had to read it again
gothgod9415 chapter 12 . 2/25/2018
still nice job you two
gothgod9415 chapter 8 . 1/20/2017
Nice job smiles good to see your still making storys
Guest chapter 7 . 12/22/2016
please make more
gothgod9415 chapter 6 . 6/7/2016
hey smiles I read all up to this point I really like your twist on the whole vampire lore and think your doing a great job in the story cant wait to see more
gothgod9415 chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
I like the first chapter guys you did a variety good job starting your story
wee-man 22 chapter 6 . 6/4/2016
Really liking this story so far. wondering who the romance is going to be between. :)
Tyler Darkside chapter 4 . 2/6/2016
Hey it's been a while since I reviewed any of your stories. The last one I think was scattered journey which was a thrill ride for me which I loved. Anyway I'm hooked on this story too and have been waiting for an update till now. I love ghost and how he's an experimental meta human that's pretty much a badass anti hero and I like seeing the other side of the female villains. It makes them seem more human and I love the story so far. It's pacing and the amount of action is just right. It's a good story with a lot of potential jester and smiles and I hope you continue writing it and not abandon it. Keep on keeping on :D
Ky Karno chapter 2 . 10/10/2015
This was a really good update. The story building was great and I like the psyche shown! Looking forward to updates!
Ky Karno chapter 1 . 6/27/2015
This sounds like it's going to be an awesome story. Can I either start a religion or a cult in your name?
anon chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
Mankind longs to be good, but at the same time we applaud the swift and brutal defeats of those in the wrong

Gotham City is a representation of everything that could possibly go wrong in a modern urban landscape. The system has broken down to a nightmarish degree. Corruption is rampant at every level of government. Street crime and urban blight are so prevalent that they're just considered part of everyday life. Even the most outwardly decent individual is just one traumatic experience from transforming into a baroque Serial Killer. The conventional forces for Law and order consistently fail to address the problems of the society they were created to serve, which necessitates the appearance of a non-conventional force (ie. a vigilante who makes extensive use of psychological warfare and theatrics, rather than logic and procedure). Modern society's problems have grown too large and too complex for its traditional ethics to address. Something new must be created to deal with these problems.

Which brings us to The Joker. He is the extreme of criminal behavior that law is unable to resolve. A constant throughout the series is that Joker can not be redeemed. His madness cannot be treated or cured. In fact his madness is slightly contagious; trying to analyze him, or in some cases just spending a significant amount of time in his proximity, may drive you mad as well. He can't be contained either; imprison him and he'll just break out again. Only one thing can really be done with him...and no representative of law and order - not even Gotham's extraordinary agent of it - is willing or able to do that. Thou Shalt Not Kill is the one rule that no one will break, even though it will quite handily solve the unsolvable problem of the Joker, and that is presented to us as a good thing. Unfortunately traditional concepts of "good" and "evil" do not apply in a place like Gotham. The city has been abandoned by God, and the only reason God's laws hold any sway at all is because it gives them comfort to the citizens of the city to believe that they do. The Joker's continued existence - and the continued reign of terror he engages in - is the inevitable end product of the moral myopia/moral hypocrisy of Gotham City. Everyone in Gotham - including the vigilante who is technically outside the system - is applying a system of morality to a situation where it is no longer relevant, and in the process contributing to their own self-destruction

I believe the general rule is do or at least try to do more good than harm

The Authority save more than they kill

The world needs men like Luthor not men like Batman check out Extermination from Boom

Wouldn't it have been better if his father had a gun and killed the mugger in self defense

Respectful when Supes is with Mr. Majestic or when he said a prayer for Tommy Monaghan not the condescension with other anti heroes like Manchester Black or Magog

Robin Hood fought against unfair taxes not the honest merchants

forced charity is not charity

Yes a Mega Corp can screw you over for your money just like a government can but it's usually killing the goose that lays the golden egg, there is no glory in ruling over starving beat down idiots but strong healthy people

A flat tax does help everyone so who cares if it helps the wealthy more, stop crying the other boy was faster so that's why he gets a trophy we're all going out for ice cream so shut up

American Dream is not picket fence etc, what people forget is it's the PURSUIT of happiness not do nothing and get a roof, food, etc., it's a chance to save your pennies and then get an education with no one saying you can't rise above your station simply "Independence" surviving in life depend not on your connections to the powerful few, but rather by one's own diligence, hard work, and a bit of luck, the Ankh-Morporkian Dream, that of "making boatloads of cash in a place where your death was not likely to be a matter of public policy"

redistribution of wealth usually does more harm than good

the Front Line they ruthlessly enforce civil liberties in the sixties, they stop France from getting nukes, and destroy Iran's oil reserves to nip terrorism in the bud, they're first degree $$holes who only do these things because they're good for business but they made their world better than ours and when they're taken down the world goes to straight to hell

In Black SummerTom Noir: "You want to change the nature of justice in America and you kill a president? What did you think that made you? Two-fisted Super-Jesus for the American Way? It made you Lee Harvey Oswald, you prick. You know what? Lots of people hated John F. Kennedy. He barely got elected. But Lee Harvey Oswald isn't remembered as an American hero. Just a prick who killed the president. That's you now, John."

A man's motives are second to his accomplishments say you want to make a statement about the third of the planet that is starving to death so you light yourself on fire in front of an embassy, but you don't actually help a single child, but if you go to these places to build a legitimate business and make money and actually develop the country and improve their standard of living you actually DO help

the nominal good guys aren’t willing to get their hands dirty or bloody or they don’t have the power, competence, or ability to act at the moment

Society's failures to provide for the elderly, the infirm, and the young (though we must also teach them to take care of themselves when they grow up) it must also not take away someone's pride and dignity some would rather die than give up their pride one shouldn't force them to live with shame and humiliation

Luthor IS the second smartest person in the universe after Brainiac but his creativity, ingenuity, and inventiveness makes up for the lack in raw brain power remember Red Son he did engineer a golden age that lasted millions of years of no poverty, war, crime, terrorism, science and art advance and so forth

Without property rights there are no human rights

Not everyone gets a trust fund, when you’re hungry you become a thief or killer if you have to

I have a family f* you and your high and mighty B.S. we little people can’t depend on you at all times

You keep poking a tiger eventually it’s going to bite you

Taking the law into your own hands is bad, dangerous, and more than a little crazy again not saying black ops don't have their necessity, they can be used as a force of good

we don't have to like, aid, or support them, normal people shouldn't have to, if you come from a loving family and a happy life you aren't and shouldn't be a tough guy but we don't always have sociopaths with codes sometimes normal people need to man up

There are no human rights without property rights

when you're hungry and you want to feed your starving family you steal bread to survive

Work out the logistics don't give some pie in the sky BS

asking people to lay down their lives for a higher cause believe in is not the same as asking them to just lay down and die it is wrong and stupid to ask someone to give up their self-preservation instincts

thieves have to be clever, quick, and brave, bootlickers only have to lick boots true the snob mentality isn't something they've created and is a major problem we all need to deal with but you shouldn't ask someone to give up their pride and dignity either and them acting like school bullies doesn't help

there are times to stand up for yourself and times to swallow your pride

Sinestro’s planet was lawless and wild And in the end of the Sinestro Corps War, Sinestro admits that what he really wanted was to improve the Green Lantern Corps, making them accept the use of deadly-force when necessary. He achieved his ends either way.

His people are practically BEGGING his daughter (the new Green Lantern of that sector) to become the next dictator

Stand for what you believe until and unless logic and/or experience prove you wrong

Bend the knee you can rise again if you’re dead you kind of have to stay dead unless you’re one of the people who put your underpants on the outside apparently

There are good and bad rich people and there are good and bad poor people and there are good and bad middle class people a civilized man accuses specific individuals of specific crime (felony and fraud)
Batman 1,000,000/3000/Beyond


One of Bruce's ancestors was framed for witchcraft by Vandal Savage in the Middle Ages, another ancestor wasa knight of the Round Table who betrayed King Arthur, his spirit inhabit his armor to seek redemption

Damian's Goliath


King Arthur and the Knights of Justice

Batman: Book of the Dead, Bruce Wayne's parents were archaeologists who were on the verge of cracking open a major conspiracy involving an Egyptian bat-god who was erased from history. They are murdered before Bruce's eyes due to their discovery, and Bruce becomes Batman when he is inspired by the bat cartouche that the assassin was really after.

Batman: Haunted Gotham Gotham City was taken over by the Dark Lords of Hell centuries ago. Bruce Wayne is raised by his parents to strike against them, and is joined in his quest by a skeleton named Cal and a sorceress named Cat Majik

Captain Thug did get uploaded with Batman's skills

Fletch, Spora- Spore/Jade

Falcone, Maroni, Thorne, Blockbuster, Bruno Manheim and Intergang

Cobblepots along with Waynes, Kanes, and Elliots were Gotham's founding families

Female Furies Artemiz, Sweet Leilani, K'li, Bloody Mary, Alianna

Terror Twins, Black Spider, Enigma, Joker's Daughter


Slobo, Gilotina

Red X, Blackfire, Rorek, Kyd Wykkyd, Johnny Rancid, Jinx,Control Freak- Reality Warping Super Remote Control Antigrav Jetboots/astrojitsu-mystic martial arts-energy ball/quadruple bladed lightsaber/fundamental forces of the universe blaster/power bands


Sivana family- scientifically mimic Shazam magic lightning


Queen Clea

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