Reviews for And All They Wanted Was Second Breakfast
Estrid2006 chapter 4 . 9/7/2007
that was good, i hope you continue really soon!

hebo estel,

TheMadSister chapter 4 . 8/21/2004
Oh my! I laugh so hard that I almost wake my sister (I read it at 3 a.m. yesterday)... *wipe her eyes* That idea of journal is so wonderful!

"It’s a wonder I put up with him at all."

Each time I read this sentence I begin laughing like an idiot, and I'm unable to stop! The game of tic-tac-toe... Fool of a Took... The pepper... lol And so much! Well, I know you have not continue this story for quite a long time, but... 2 years aren't *that* long after all! What about writing an other chapter? Hmm? Please?

See you soon (I hope!)
Kavindra Miette chapter 4 . 4/9/2004
Excellent. The writing is wonderfully clever and it had me laughing the whole way through. Onto the favorites it goes. _ Hope you update soon!
AliPotter06 chapter 4 . 1/11/2004
LOL. Wow. Interesting. Update the next chap soon! I wanna see how you "word" Pippin touching the skeleton in Moria (even though it was supposed to be a stone he dropped in there because of how curious he was). Anyway, update soon!
Love, a Pippin/Billy Boyd obsessor,
Ali Potter
Mona Lisa chapter 4 . 7/13/2003
LOL! I enjoyed the watch with Legolas. It was highly amusing.
Mona Lisa chapter 1 . 7/13/2003
LOL, I hate doing the dishes to. It seems as though my life revolves around doing the dishes.
Whisperer in the Wind chapter 4 . 6/26/2003
Hey. I've already reviewed for this story, but I was wondering if you were ever going to continue it. I lveo this story so much, it like my fav. cuz it's so funny. Anyway, I went to a book fair the other day, and I saw this book on Shakesphear's insults, and I thought of u and this story, and so I ended up buying it, (spur of hte moment thing) and so if u need anymore insults to further this story, E-mail me and let me know! . Please continue!
Raphael the Andromeda chapter 4 . 5/24/2003
Cool! zees ees funny! pips my favorite chracter, in the books and the movies! did you know that the sun is 93,0,0 miles away from the earth? I do!
shadow chapter 4 . 4/12/2003
Very, very good...I'll be adding this to my "Favorite Stories" list, in case ya wanted to know...It is always fun to read a good Merry and Pip story every now and then!
The Christian Took chapter 4 . 3/6/2003
Very funny chapter. I quite enjoyed '“Old friends” my Aunt Lobelia.' And you've been able to make a funny story without a bit of OOC! Good job!

-The Christian Took
stellamucca chapter 4 . 2/20/2003
haha this is great! i love the insults! cant wait till you update again. i wanna read more!
Funny-Gal06 chapter 4 . 2/20/2003
My two favorite characters in a funny fic. Thank you! It's lovely so far. I liked the way in the beginning you made Merry's italiced. maybe you could try to do that again? Anyway. the writing is funny and good! Keep it up!
Slykitty chapter 2 . 2/19/2003
LOL! I swear, this is the only good Merry 'n Pip fic out there, keep up the good work! Just one little thing, it's Peregrin, no "e" on the end than that, very good!

Afea chapter 4 . 2/18/2003
Hehe. "Denathor sounds slightly mental to me". Funny! I love this story, very good. You make it so realistic, and the things they say are very characteristic (okay, did that make any sense?)


Anyways, it was v. good. Please update soon!

Aragorn Elessar
Daisy Brambleburr chapter 4 . 2/18/2003
LOL! "Legolas is queer"."I am handsome and Merry is ugly"."safer to invite all the orcs in Mordor to a tea party". This is so hilarious, M&P are in character so well! I love it, carry on please!
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