Reviews for A Field Trip To Remember
Guest chapter 6 . 9/15/2019
Great job! By far the best take on the Ghost Zone Field Trip that I've read, and I've read at least 5
Moonlightgirl258 chapter 6 . 7/10/2018
Loved it! I hope you make a sequel
Iheart2manyfandoms chapter 6 . 2/18/2018
Wow. This is amazing! Definitely one of the best field trip fics I have read. Good job
Killua Lawliet chapter 6 . 3/22/2017
Moon ninja Luna chapter 6 . 12/13/2016
Well you order me to comment so comment I will. I have read a good amount of ghost zone field trip, some good, some bad, and some that just need work. This one is of the good type. I love how you have us go from Danny's group to Sam and Truckers group. I like how you just got the DXS thing out and over with and not play around it like most other story's do. And the fact that you kept Danny's ghost self after the jailbreak where others would have him turn back into his human self. It was refreshing and made me love it more, also the fact you said Danny for human self and Phantom for ghost self. Not to mention the fight sences are so awesome. The way you also had Dirseer (I'm not the best spell, least of all names) was the one to cause the crash, that is the first time I seen someone do that. I can't think of much else besides that I'm sure that Clockwork knew this was going to happen and I never understood why parents would sign a slip for there kid to go to the ghost zone. Sure it's cool and awesome but I can't see a parent doing that unless there were sure that the people who were in charge knew what they were doing. Also i love how you made Dan, he was so fitting and I can believe him not taking the chance with Danny dieing he dies thing. So I guess that's it. Again this was great and I can say this gives ghost zone field trips a good name.
Lovepatrolalpha1344 chapter 6 . 9/26/2016
Okay, so this was a amazing. I loved it so much and dang you could be an author. Like professionally. I liked how you kept switching how you referred to people, like calling Danny "the halfa," and "the dark haired ghost teen" and whatever else instead of just Danny. Definitely made it more interesting. I also really liked the long chapters. Mostly because I could load it while on wifi at home and then leave and have that huge chapter to read before needing to find wifi again, but also because I think it flowed better. And I liked your OCs. They didn't really take over the story, though I feel like they could have pretty easily. But they didn't, so no worries.
Now for some constructive criticism:
There were a lot of run on sentences. I think you could work on making sure you have commas where they need to be, and also not using commas to connect two sentences without a conjunction. This seemed to mostly be a problem in the dialogue.
this was a literal work of art and I applaud you. Great job!
Ailith Night chapter 6 . 10/2/2015
This is by far, my favorite "Field Trip to the Ghost Zone" story. I have yet to read any other that compares to this epicness of this one. Have you perhaps considered a future as an author?
AnimeRoxx chapter 6 . 9/6/2015
This was one of the best reveal fics I have read! And I'm like you, I can hardly ever find any of the Ghost Zone fics! They are my favorite Danny Phantom stories to read.
Keep up the great work :)
Guest chapter 6 . 8/19/2015
You are awesome! Seriously! This was THE BEST Ghost Zone field trip I have ever read! I love these kinds of stories and I have read almost every single one of them that are worth reading and not discontinued. Your writing was magnificent and I only saw a few errors. I loved how long it was and read it all in one day. The characters were accurate in personalities and the OC weren't too OOC.
Thanks for an awesome story worth reading!
NoSignalBlueScreen chapter 6 . 8/16/2015
I don't know how exactly to word how this story is different from other 'Field Trip' stories, but it is and I applaud you for a job well done. It was short, but very well organized and had long chapters, so that didn't matter.
Great work!
Slytherin All The Way chapter 6 . 8/4/2015

I don't normally review stories but I figured I'd give it a go :) Totally loved your fic. I just recently got back into Danny Phantom and was looking for something to satisfy my fanfic cravings (if that makes sense lol) and yours most definitely did! I'm really surprised that this only has 22 reviews! Well, 23 now, I suppose. It's really well written and cohesive. Just a job well done. :) My only comment is that it seemed really anticlimactic how everyone found out that Danny was Phantom. :)

Keep on writing. You're really good!

Kat xx
Wallflower16 chapter 6 . 7/21/2015
Sequel please! This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!
emanon chapter 6 . 7/19/2015
Nice this is the best trip to the ghost zone story I've read. the only thing I wish there was was more of Valerie but that's because she's one of my favorite characters.
CharlieBoneFan chapter 6 . 7/19/2015
Good story.
random-anime-gurl chapter 6 . 7/17/2015
Loved it would love another with Danny and Sam talking bout this meeting with vlad :D seriously I love your take on Danny phantom! It's some of the best fanfic for the series I have ever read! And I'm greedy I want more! I also love that you make vlad actually seem like how he should be not too overly dramaticly evil but no underlying idiotic either like some fics I have read! Over all love how you tied up this loose end can't wait for your next fic! Sincerely one nice fan
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