Reviews for The Vultures
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
How do you get people to submit characters so fast?!
Sophie Frost chapter 2 . 2/22/2018
Sophie Frost is my version of Brends I hope you like her.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/22/2018
Name:Sophie Snow Frost
Nickname: Killer Frost
Gender: Girl
Mutation: her hair used to be black but it turned all white
Appearance: White hair that goes down to her hips. She has a few freckles on her face. She is quite pale. She is 5'4. Her eyes are an icy blue. She has long legs, small amounts of fat, small curves, and some muscle.
Characteristics: She is sarcastic, but she is always sweet and kind. She has a very strong sense of humor. She is brave and outgoing but is always cautious. She would sacrifice herself if it ment saving her friends. She would never leave anyone behind. She is positive but sassy an she is always stubborn. She is always overprotective and will hurt anyone who hurts her friends. She is always on guard. She is always very curious.
Fighting Style: Bow and arrows and machetes.
Strengths: Stelth, speed, strength, and bows and arrows
Weakness: Never trusts people she just met.
Background: She doesn't remember anything from her past. She knew to much valuable information about wicked so they preformed the swipe on her before throwing her out into the scorch.
Example of dialogue: "Mess with me I'll break your face."
Relationship preferences: Strait. She likes a sweet funny guy who can make her go soft.
Other: She always has a spare weapon with her when she is hunting.
How will she react with the gladers?: She will be on guard and not trust them for a while.
I will review as much as I possibly can.
Guest chapter 27 . 5/10/2017
I really miss this. I need more Ross and Dana, Wasp and Tyler, Kit and Thomas, Ross and Kit, Ice, Tate, Newt, the whole gang! I know you aren't posting much, but I would love to see another update sometime. I hope to see one in the future.
Guest chapter 27 . 11/27/2016
Update please! I need more of the Vultures!
Guest chapter 27 . 11/5/2016
Update please!
theevilsquiddancer chapter 27 . 10/31/2016
Aw thanks for updating! That was great! (This review is a bit late but...) I love to see the Vultures every so often! I love seeing them as kids. As always, you're so creative and your writing is amazing. The contrast between the simulation and the movies really freaked me out though. I don't know if you did that on purpose but it was interesting.
Anyways, keep writing! You're awesome.
AGryffindorGirl chapter 27 . 10/15/2016
Ah this was incredible! I love this story so so much and I was so excited to see this update! I absolutely love getting to see the Vultures as young children. It's so interesting to watch relationships beginning to form between the kids. Loved the bit with Kit and Otto. That's definitely something kids would do haha! I also loved that you kept Kit's fiery personality. I've missed her, and it was wonderful to see you writing her again.
On the chapter, the simulation was crazy awesome! Definitely scary for the kids, but you wrote it very well. Please update this story more, you've pulled me back into the Vultures world and I want to know more! :)
Guest chapter 27 . 10/15/2016
Guest chapter 25 . 10/4/2016
Is tommy gonna kill newt?
Poppins chapter 26 . 7/3/2016
As for story ideas, I'd love to see the Vultures really becoming friends while in WICKED, as well as getting to see what sort of things WCKD did to them. A good balance of heartwarming and funny moments with realistic moments of their lives. Just a small idea :)
AGryffindorGirl chapter 26 . 7/3/2016
Yay! I will be submitting a character soon, and I'm excited to see more from this story!
AsgardianGrizzly chapter 26 . 7/2/2016
1. Love the new story's idea!
2. Just submitted a character. :)
3. I'd love to see all of them being bored in WICKED and then deciding to ditch and go do something else, something fun. Maybe an emotional moment where they see the Cranks out in the desert/street and then get busted by wicked for ditching. It does however make them a little closer.


Super excited! Please let me know what you think of my character! Great story and so happy you're continuing!
Guest chapter 25 . 3/31/2016
Guest chapter 25 . 3/16/2016
This was a good look into the future. Poor Newt :( Please update with more future stuff soon! I really want to see Dana and Ross, and Thomas and Kit. And maybe some more Kit and Ross friendship, as well as Tyler and Wasp!
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