Reviews for In for a Penny
Guest chapter 1 . 4/9
Calamk chapter 1 . 7/17/2019
Beautiful. Never thought the Penny x Jaune pairing would work and now I'm just proven wrong.
Beautiful Story.
TheoMidnight chapter 2 . 12/11/2018
It was sad, I nearly cried, yet I loved every moment of this story.
God of Vampires aka Alucard chapter 2 . 10/29/2018
I'm sorry I think your understating your version of Ironwood. Your Ironwood isn't more of an as s than his Canon counterpart a straight up monster.
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 2 . 10/21/2018
shelwyn chapter 2 . 9/4/2018
What the heck! I wanted another slow romance qqq. Why this lol... also he'd just get some fun poked at him for his eternally young wife lmao...
shelwyn chapter 1 . 9/4/2018
W...what! I was ready for a sappy romance man LOL
pyrothekid chapter 2 . 6/29/2018
well wrote.

something this sad shouldnt feel this happy, this should feel like dusk but it feels like dawn.
TheKaiSenpai chapter 2 . 6/21/2018
I'm not entirely convinced that Ironwood would be this intentionally antagonistic, but it was a fun read. Props to you.
JohnCena117 chapter 2 . 3/17/2018
wtf is this?
WeabooAnonymous chapter 2 . 8/31/2017
Welp... That was a sucker punch to my feels. I like the Aesop that you've put in to the story, and I'll admit, I think it would be even more tragic that Jaune would be the one living after three years, that by some miracle he lived, and that Penny didn't, and to be honest, this could be more likely. I ended up having to stand up and look out my balcony for a while after reading this.

As for how you wrote Ironwood, while I do agree, I can understand this, after all, every good story needs a person you can hate.

Overall, 9/10. Would ponder upon lifespan and wish for a happier ending without a twist again.
DrakeFisk chapter 2 . 5/28/2017
Once agin, you have managed to bring me to tears. You truly have a gift for writing
OutOfReality08 chapter 2 . 4/8/2017
Wait, how about Jaune and Penny try to learn and create for her to be human, a way for them to give her a real body.

OR, he remains old while she remains young forever, then the perspective switchs to Penny's perspective as she watchs him grow old and die, she continues to live for a century or two before her energy source runs out and she dies next to his grave in her last moments as she recollects the times she spent with.

It would cool if you added one or both of these as alternative endings to this fanfic.
Sparkysbro chapter 2 . 4/4/2017
Well, it wasn't the happily ever after I was hoping for, but this was still a really sweet story. Thank you!
EMIYA KURO chapter 1 . 3/27/2017
I wish there were more jaune x penny fics..
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