Reviews for The Joke's On Her
Cyera chapter 10 . 5/28/2009
are you finishing this story
Cyera chapter 11 . 5/28/2009
are you finishing this story?
Cyera chapter 12 . 5/28/2009
will you finish this story?
Mahoko-chan chapter 12 . 9/16/2006
I do hope to read about what will happened to Hermione. Please update soon (even if it's been a while since you did so I really would like it). Nice story.

Read you later.

Yours truly,

zafaran chapter 12 . 10/23/2004
But where's the *rest* of it. {frustrated whine} May I have some more please, Ma'am? Zafaran
betweenthetwo chapter 3 . 10/18/2004
Loving this. The transitions are a little... strange, but I really like it. Good work and I look forward to my next opportunity to read the rest.
tomato chapter 12 . 6/11/2004
uh..confused..maybe it's b'coz i live in asia and al but.. clarify alby the Dean of Oxford or the Librarian or what?
CedarPineSpruce chapter 11 . 1/30/2004
You aren't losing your readers, and I don't mind the long waits between updates. You story is *worth* it. So get into whatever happy creative dreamspace you need to be into to write and enjoy yourself and take your time.
I hope you are having as much fun writing this as we are reading it. If not, remember that the readers are slaves to your muse and we will obey any commandment willingly. :-) The good ones are worth waiting for...
Best wishes, thanks for the update ~
Tethered Serpent chapter 12 . 1/13/2004
Hmm, the end was closer than I thought. (Argh)
I liked Edouard, and I'm glad he didn't turn out to be a prick. And I hope he and Amandine have some comically-funny-though-sweet interaction in future chapters. But I must say I was sort of disappointed that he and Hermione settled into 'just friends' so quickly. I think that she really needs a short but wholesome and normal romantic relationship to get her self-esteem back together. Especially with a guy just a little too boring for her, to be proper Snape-primer. But that would have set any SS/HG interaction back rather dramatically farther, so I'm not complaining.
I do like where you seem to be going with the Snape-and-Harry-and-Politics thread. Please feel free to put more of that in.
Anyway, I'll be checking back, so I hope you update soon. (hint, hint? )
Tethered Serpent chapter 9 . 1/13/2004
Well, I just happened across your story while surfing through other people's 'favourite stories' links (the nice thing about doing it that way is that I don't generally wind up reading badly written stuff; if you are still worried about the quality of your writing, don't be. I have inhaled 8 chapters in one gulp, and felt compelled to stop in the middle of chapter 9 to review. You may even get another one when I get to the end, if I decide that everything I have to say here is utter crap. Or whatever.)
Anyway, I had a couple of things I wanted to mention. The first is that the phrase "Not mine, her's" should read "Not mine, hers" I haven't been noticing too hugely many typos and grammatical errors, but that one jumped out at me, since it was the chapter disclaimer.
The second is both to agree and disagree with whoever said that they hated Edouard. I mean yes, he's most definitely in the way, and if your unspeakably independant ;-) muses decide to pair them up permanently I definitely -won't- review, because you -won't- want to read what I'd leave you, but say one thing for Edouard: he seems so far to be the sort of nice, wholesome without being utterly boring, normal guy that Hermione really really needs right now to counteract all those sleazeballs and Evil!bastards you seem to have landed her with. And Severus, no matter how you paint him, is not going to be an easy man to have a relationship with. He's going to be somewhat autocratic, and domineering, not to mention manipulative and personally reticent. He is a Slytherin, after all. Not that Hermione can't more than deal with that normally, but she shouldn't have to, not with her opinions of men warped by the string of lecherous and depraved representatives of the race of cockroaches so admirably displayed in the previous chapters of this story. (Wow, that felt good to type. Pardon my rather lengthy sentences.)
Mind you, if the irrepressable Edouard turns out to be another opportunistic leech, I'll have to rethink that.
Lastly, I'd like to put in a comment on the Magic/Magick debate. (if there is one) I'm fully aware that my opinions on this have been formed by my reading excursions into the New Age/Wicca subgenre of fantasy. Specifically, if you say "Magic", I expect it to act like the sort of wave-a-wand-and-say-the-magic-word, tranform-a-water-glass-into-a-frog-and-not-worry-about-conservation-of-mass-OR-getting-permission-from-the-water-glass-first stuff you get in fairy tales. And if you say "Magick" I expect it to act more like the Aleister Crowley sort of rital-focus-and-concentration thing you get in Marion Zimmer Bradley's books. (not the Darkover ones, the Witchlight ones)
So anyway, to me at least, 'Magick' is perfectly correct, but it has nothing at all in common with canon Harry Potter.
And having said that, I then have to add that (for the instances I specifically remember) I have no problem with the way you've used "Magick" in this story. The thing with using the mental block as a catalyst to break anorexia works a whole lot better for me as magick than as magic.
Anyway, on to actually reading the rest of chapter 9 now. And sorry, this review turned out a lot longer than I thought is was going to be
See you at the end,
dark haired angel chapter 12 . 1/6/2004
oh man! *all of a sudden reminded of mike meyer's 'woman' poem from so i married an axe murderer.. but i digress* this is so good! i love how everytime "someone" sees hermione or she goes to see "someone" it's a person that i wasn't expecting. you're really keeping me on my toes and while i know that this is going to end up hermione/snape (and that's only cause i think you told us) i have no idea how you're going to make that happen. though i must say i find the current situation of snape getting buddy buddy with the president of oxford to be very interesting. ;oD i do hope at least some things start going right for poor hermione, it's making my heart break! anyhoo keep up the good work!
MissCrystalix chapter 11 . 1/2/2004
He had discovered a fascination for dabbling in the politics of the wizarding world, complicated and often entirely nonsensical as they sometimes were. Harry shared his liking, he had found out, and although their conversations were fraught with insults (“You fool! If that Law were passed, every pureblooded witch and wizard in Europe would rise up in anger. Only a complete incompetent would support it, Potter. Oh, right- that is you.”), and arguments (“If you weren’t such a stupid bloody prick, Snape, then maybe you’d be able to comprehend that clause 56 specifically guards against that case, and reassures them all that their fucking precious properties are well protected.”), they did, sometimes, come to a consensus on issues (“ ”).
My favorite line! LOLOLOLOLOL!
sakhara291 chapter 12 . 1/1/2004
Yes yes yes, I know all this! I promise, no matter what happens, I will read everything you post. EVEN IF I DIE, I will read your new chapters. Just keep sending 'em!
MadAboutHarry chapter 11 . 12/30/2003
Thank you, thank you, thank you for an update! A little short...but I'm just happy to get it! :-)
Lots of interesting little threads here. I have the impression that she will, of course, end up at Oxford, and that they will come across one another in that venue through his old friend from Oxford...
Can't wait for the next update. Please make is soon!
Tracey Claybon chapter 12 . 12/27/2003
Forgive me if an odd review from me appears for chapter 11 - my logins are acting up.
I wanted to compliment you on the progress of your story and thank you for NOT putting review replies in the author notes - although I appreciate being thanked by an author, when the thank you's are longer than the story chapter, it's EXTREMELY annoying when you want to read a story and a short author's note or two.
Last but not least - happy holidays, and a prosperous 2004...
Tracey Claybon
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