Reviews for The Truth Hidden In the Dark (A Fire Emblem Awakening Fanfic)
Sophisticated Sableye chapter 1 . 6/13/2015
This was very well written. Never had the thought of pairing Henry with Aversa, but I understood completely how you would link the two together given their heritage. Aversa was on point with how I'd imagine she would act, but with Henry, I felt he could of been more cheerful and silly. Still, that is just my interpretation of him. Other then that personal nitpick, I felt you handled him well too.

Henry and Aversa's "interactions" were also excellent. It was funny imagining someone of Henry's stature being with someone of Aversa's, which works with the fighting for dominance that goes on between them.

In short, I liked this story.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Well acually Aversa is around 27 while Henry is around 18 or around lissa age in debt appearance.

Also Remember Henry wiped out a village they killed his Wolf friend.. So i Do not think a bunch would be stupid enough to mess with him. Gangrel is somewhat simalar to Ashnard. The Strong reigh Supreme.. I Doubt any Weak Nobles would have much power or say. Realistly speaking Henry would kill the said Nobles and Gangrel would probably laugh his ass off and give him a pat on the back or/and give only a light punishment for killing the weakiling nobles who do not contribute to his cause in any wqy.. King Gangrel was a monster. But at least he the balls to fight a Losing battle. But anyway nice Chapter
Gunlord500 chapter 1 . 6/7/2015
Oh man, very nice. Excellent lemony fic, my friend :D