Reviews for All They See Is Treason
ElizabethBathog chapter 1 . 5/19/2019
Loved this! I will be reading the next installment of this! Good work on this and Thank you for writing it! :D
vielola chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
Oh geez, Hiro needs his own personal guard, sooner or later, he has to do something about being targeted. Ah, yes, by the way, this is really bittersweet, if you know what I mean, heh.
blackkyu chapter 1 . 10/6/2015
So wonderfully depressing! Thank you!
Blitza chapter 1 . 7/18/2015
That ending... you are evil to poor little Hiro!
AzureSynergy chapter 1 . 7/2/2015
I don't know why good stories don't get a lot of reviews. Honestly, I don't. This was brilliant and probably took you a F-ing long time to make, but no one apreciates it for its beauty.

How agitating, frustrating and unfair.

Really unfair.

I enjoyed it. Would really like to read more.
Courage and Love chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
I'm going to say it straight out: I've never read anything so well written. I mean it. And the plot was so angsty, I squealed. Angsty in a good way, like AHHH! not Aww. The point is, I loved it. It was something about the description of being inside the closet. It just blew me away. And claustrophobia? Wow. I can't wait for that chapter story.
Blue-Inventations chapter 1 . 6/6/2015
Oh my gosh, I love this! It is so amazing! Imagine ghost Tadashi watching over it all, trying desperately to help Hiro, but can't because he's dead. ;-; Oh gosh.
Anyway, it was super well written. Really liked the plot and the villan. Looking forward to reading more from this author!
regularshow565 chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
This is so intense and awesome and you've done an amazing job!
seems-pretty-legit chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
I LOVE THIS! are these going to be oneshots? Please say yes!