Reviews for Ache
Romione4evah chapter 1 . 5/13
This was so beautiful!
jesrod82 chapter 1 . 9/12/2015
"Yes, he knew she'd loved him, in that sort of abstract way that he knew the circumference of his life was nearly meshed exactly with two others now..."

He knows! But using the past tense, as if he isn't sure she does anymore is so accurate, to me.

"He hadn't paid enough, Not yet. had he? not for that"
"the only time he had alone with her was while she slept"

He's very aware of what he did, and is punishing himself for it. If that doesn't spell remorse, I don't know what does. I love that you wrote that in there, to show how he wants to earn her trust, that he doesn't just expect it because he's being nice.

Oh Harry, being the opposite of a cockblocker. For some reason, I found his little part in this very canon. I don't often say that in fanfic because he's so hard to nail down. But him taking that extra hour, telling Hermione to go to bed, even clearing his throat outside, probably to let them know he was still there? Bless you, Harry.

Ron explaining himself, full with expletives, is my favorite. I also love that he stopped himself from talking, but we got to hear his thoughts anyway. His randy thoughts heh..

"So much a fuller life to be here with her, to die with them..."
That he'd risk never seeing his family again to possibly die with her, and Harry, speaks volumes about his character, and his capacity for love. Ugh! So good...

"And somehow, now that she wasn't rowing, ignoring his see-through attempts at her forgiveness, it was so much more fucking difficult."
This whole part, with him still not forgiving himself even though she wants to move on, still he doesn't feel he deserves her. He's right, but so wrong, and this almost kiss is fucking killing me BTW

Wow that was such a great read! I'm kind of glad they didn't kiss. I think Ron feels better for not doing it. He needs to feel he's earned it, and he doesn't yet, even if Hermione does. But at least she knows. This fact also make this fic plausible in canon, so that makes me very happy.
regbride12 chapter 1 . 6/24/2015
This is why I freakin LOVE stories from you- ROMIONE is OTP OF ALL OTP and you just always nail them and their relationship so perfectly. The way Ron hates himself for leaving Hermione and Harry was so sad to see. But what got me equally was Hermione angry at Ron because she thought the reason he returned was he wanted to die in Harry's place since he felt so guilty for leaving. Just beautiful writing of Ron's return. Just beautiful. Hermione telling Ron she hated him for leaving was spot on- she was shattered when he left and it would have been hard to forgive him so quickly. It shows Hermione's strength yet also her devotion to Ron for eventually forgiving him. Ron returning was extremely courageous/brave of him- that had to have NOT been easy for him. He knew Harry would forgive him because Harry is his best mate but I think he knew Hermione would have stayed angry for at him for a bit too.
carthia chapter 1 . 6/15/2015
I love fics like this one: angsty and sweet at the same time. They really move me emotionally and this beauty was no exception. It gave me tears in my eyes and butterflies in my stomach. I adore such bittersweet moments between Ron and Hermione and no one writes them better than you. Thanks for sharing!
OtterAndTerrier chapter 1 . 6/9/2015
My poor heart has only you to blame, I hope you know that.
(that barely touching?! why are you hurting me this way?)
rebelsaurus29 chapter 1 . 6/5/2015
Beautiful :-)
fanohermione chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
This is awesome! So much tension, I wonder what it was like between them before Ron left... Thanks for posting so many little stories. I'm loving it!
JeanAndBilius chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
God, I don't know how you do it, but you do! Superb again and incredibly moving - and I'm so pleased that you turn Harry and Hermione, as well as Ron, into real people, rather than these kinds of cliches where Ron is always appalling and the worst thing since 'unsliced bread' and Harry and Hermione are saints - they're all human, make mistakes, want to be forgiven, need to be loved and love, need to work at life: brilliant! Love these characters so much!
MotherNight chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
I can't unread this beautiful moment and it is now part of my head canon. Perfect. Just perfect.
ShePotter chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
OMGoodness, what a story:). This part would make since for the movie. I always thought it was weird that they just looked at each other & kissed. If this had happened first, then they knew the feelings, & acted this time. Thanks for writing, can't wait for more.
probablyahufflepuff chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
Great work, as always. Can't get enough of these two.
HeRonLove chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
That was a great fic. It soothed some of the ache I felt at the absence of your writing.
CW chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
With the exception of some of the language (sorry, I'm old), I absolutely loved it! It figures Ron would think Hermione was worried about Harry when she was really worried about him all along - great story
Gabby22658 chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
LOVE IT. LOVE IT. LOVE IT. Amazing job as always!
RustKnight chapter 1 . 6/3/2015
Another great post locket story.

I really enjoyed this one. The writing felt so raw and emotional. I can easily imagine Ron ending up with a sefl-flaggelating attitude to try and repent for leaving. And Hermione was spot on with all the inner turmoil and desire to forgive.
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