Reviews for Three's A Crowd, Four's A Party
Guest chapter 9 . 1/4/2016
Twinks..., That's A new one for Dean that I never ever heard of before you wrote Bobbi calling him that!
Emzy2k11 chapter 35 . 11/5/2015
Awesome story I loved every minute of it i look forward to reading more of your work
calwitch chapter 35 . 10/17/2015
This chapter is so good I'm not sure where to start! I think they should listen to Seth and hear what he has to say. How else will they go forward? Although she appreciated the stiff jabs he gave Seth and although it may be deserved they should still talk with him to clear the air.
Shield316 chapter 35 . 10/16/2015
I'm a little peeved about the way Filipa feels. I feel like she's overreacting a bit because she has this thing going on with Seth. Filipa of all people should know Bobbi the best. So her bringing up her brother's situation and not hanging out with Phil or Bray was a low blow. Filipa has the same schedule as Boobi so she knows how super busy they are all the time. And it's not like Filipa hasn't been basically staying at Bobbi's apartment for however long it's been. She should be talking to Bobbi about what's going on with her instead of lashing out. But hopefully they work it out. I'm thinking Bobbi will forgive Seth eventually but it'll a take some time.
Guest chapter 34 . 10/13/2015
Oh my God, I totally started crying, then I saw that there's gonna be sequel and I was just like, MY EMOTIONS!
R1verdance chapter 34 . 10/13/2015
this was awesome! so sad it's over x
Raquel the writer chapter 34 . 10/13/2015
That was excellent. You rock!
quinzel.harley chapter 34 . 10/13/2015
That was quite the journey, my friend. Honestly, thank-you for bring Bobbi into our lives, and I know this isnt the end of Bob. After reading this chapter, it feels like closure over the shields break up. We were essentially Bobbi, going on this adventure with our boys and literally being with them through every moment. Thank-you so much for this fic. I can not wait for you to start the sequel, it's without doubt not the last we will see of Bobbi and I can't wait to start this new chapter in her life.

For this chapter, there were a few spelling errors (sex man tag ;) ) but that's okay, we know what you're going on about. You did the promo so well, I could literally see it all playing out in my head, and yes i was giddy ;)
when you go dean to kiss her and smack her ass then run out, that was so fast but so hot, i love that so much, there should be more of this! and that moment at the end of the chapter, i was actually in tears, i just had this feeling of fulfilment, it was perfect. until next time, my friend, congratulations!
Shield316 chapter 33 . 10/10/2015
No matter the amount of times I've read this particular scene, it never gets any easier. It like watching the real thing all over again. Mind you I haven't even watched that Raw back since that day. But I do remember it like it was yesterday. Don't be so hard on yourself. You did very well with this scene. I felt all of the emotions and you have me thinking that Seth is truly upset with Bobbi. Not sure why but that's the jist I got. I'm hoping this was storyline so that their reactions were genuine. But I have a feeling that it's gonna end up being that Seth was upset and part storyline as to why he didn't tell them.
Guest chapter 33 . 10/9/2015
When I started reading this chapter and realized it was the Shield break up chapter, something in me just made me start crying, I don't know why. Great chapter though.
quinzel.harley chapter 33 . 10/9/2015
That was probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to read. I knew it was coming, we had been discussing it for weeks, but it came out of nowhere! Please don't put yourself down or thing you didn't do it justice cause you did an excellent job. I know this is a difficult event to write cause there is so much emotion in this moment in our boys careers. I like how you had them not knowing, cause it felt like how it felt when we actually watch the real version. But this one hurt more. You have created this o/c that we have followed for ages now and we've gone to hell and back with her, and she has gone through so much hell. To Have her betrayed by her brother, it became more personal to us. I think you did very well with the RAW, t's just still a touchy subject but we got through it, together.

Then that sex scene...first to start it with the harley quinn/joker reference REALLY had me going, but the way they moved together and the way you wrote it, urgh, made up for all the heartache. I said to myself, I refuse to be with anyone who won't do me like Dean does Bobbi. They are my OTP and every time they have a sexual moment like this, my toes curl...(i know thats personal but your my best friend so i can say that, you know i've told you worse). If you could incorporate more of the harley/joker role play, that would be great ;)
can't wait to see where you take it from here, now that the shield are done, ESPECIALLY CAUSE THE NEXT PROMO THEY DO IS MY FAVOURITE AMBROSE SO PLS DONT SCREW IT UP, thanks :)
Raquel the writer chapter 33 . 10/9/2015
I was expecting that, but Seth didn't have to hit Bobbi.
Shield316 chapter 32 . 10/7/2015
It's taken me a few weeks but I've finally caught up. I absolutely love how badass Bobbi and Filipa are in this story. Especially how Bobbi gets to wrestle and beat up the guys. Chapter 30, when their argument happens had me cringing and feeling every emotion. That was intense. I'm glad they worked it out. Yes for sexy times! Also wtf are Seth and Filipa doing? Ohhh Bobbi is gonna kill them. Good for Bobbi talking to Barrett. Not like he deserved how nice she was to him tho.
quinzel.harley chapter 32 . 10/6/2015
my beautiful friend! you have executed that perfectly. I was a bit worried about how you were going to include Bobbi into payback as the match was very much one on one on one. But you did a swell job! I liked the inclusion of the crowd and the child. It showed elements of her relationship with vanessa and that was really sweet. I also liked how the crowd listened to her and were able to hide her so well, it really shows how much she's grown and how the crowd is starting to respect her. I liked how you were able to achieved the essence of the match, cause this is such an important, the last one our boys were united and I liked how you didnt get rid of the important moments of the match. I kinda wish you had mentions "bluetista", but thats okay :)
all in all, you did a really good job at the match and I can not wait to see how you write the raw, cause we all know how heartbreaking it is...
p.s. also liked how you got bobbi so fired up when she found out about filipa and seth, but i feel like you should expand it a tiny bit more, just so we understand their intentions.
also YES TO SEXY TIMES WITH DEAN AND BOBBI! I thought they were going to do something beginning of the chapter, but you're literally just as much of a tease as dean is!
Thank-you for the chapter, really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next one!
calwitch chapter 32 . 10/6/2015
Very nicely done! I applaud you my dear! Wonder if Seth told his girlfriend about the kiss yet? probably not. At least Filpa regretted what happened with Seth.
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