Reviews for Sword Art Online: Unforeseen Content
Guest chapter 18 . 6/8
Glad to see this has updated though you seem to have made up your own types and miss typed a few for example skull satamon is undead and demon man but you have it as ghost type here is a reference for you to work from for canon digimon

Sesshoru chapter 18 . 6/8
VictoryGreymon and Z'dGarurumon should have been used in this chapter because they digivovle from WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon respectively.
Sesshoru chapter 18 . 6/7
What about having Rei Saiba as Tai's girlfriend?
Meijin Lightus chapter 18 . 5/10
Great chapter m8 can't wait for more
Autistic-Grizzly chapter 18 . 5/9
not bad, I enjoyed the battles and how Matt isn't a complete jerk anymore and the amplified forms are cool as well, looking forward to what comes next
KamenHeroDigi chapter 18 . 5/9
I Waint for next charpter, for last evolution kizuna, I still no watch the movie and I can't give opinion about this movie, but for Reboot, for part Omnimon aparence in my opinion this a first episodes power up, like Naruto use Kurama (Kyuubi) chackra in begin of anime/manga, but only use again and correct form varios episodes later, if pay atetion, Agumon and Gabumon evolves Omnimon only Tk and Kari touch a feather, for opening Tk and Kari are special, even for Digidestined, problably we need wait for many episodes for we can see Omnimon again, and Omnimon turn a objetive for Tai and probably Matt too.

One Sugestion, Jesmon could be last Digimon of Kirito and his friends to be a Mega Digimon, for two motives, one, it is a Royal Knight, and two, it a badass suficient for steal protagonim of Omnimon.
Starlord Master chapter 18 . 5/9
So romantic.

Happy May!
Golden Zero16 chapter 18 . 5/9
Glad to see an update on this story.
Honestly, it does feel like the thing was a bit rushed towards the end, and the Tai x Lisbeth thing happening offscreen is kind of lacking. Other than that I did enjoy it.
Moto Akira chapter 18 . 5/8
This was interesting I had fun reading this.
Toa Solaric chapter 18 . 5/8
I have to admit that this chapter isn't bad and I agreed with you about how Dark Gennai not making any sense at all.
TheEmeraldMage chapter 18 . 5/8
This was a surprise to see again, especially since it has a long time since the last chapter but this more then made up for it. Amplified mode sounds really cool for WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon and the fights from both worlds were well done and thank god Kidous digivice was destroyed. Apart from the confusion involving Taiki and Lisbeth being a thing already even though I don't think they confessed in the past chapters or I could be wrong let me know, this was a nice read back and so happy to see my favorite mega level form of Agumon coming back. Wow it REALLY feels like Last Evolution was a bomb despite the fact that I am pretty sure that got pulled back due to the virus so now I am super confused but Adventure 2020 is also lacking due to here is Onmimon in episode 2 and apparently we have not seen any of the cast interacting with each other yet. At this point the only remake that is worth a damn is Trails Of Mana. Anyway, glad to see you back and stay healthy!
KatoGS123 chapter 17 . 2/12
Author back in 2018: hopefully it won’t take a year to put out ch18

Readers in 2020: wanna bet?

Please continue! I wanna find out what happens next!

Not to mention that I’m curious on what’ll happen with the final battle, and the digidestined reunion! And what about TK!?
KatoGS123 chapter 10 . 2/11
Back with the fight, Kirito and Taiki were blocking the attacks Morte swung at them. Asuna then stepped in, and pushed Morte back.

"They don't call me the Flash for nothing." Asuna said with a smirk.

"You better hope Barry Allen never hears you say that." Taiki chuckled with a smile.

"Who?" Asuna asked confused.

"Tell you later." Taiki said, turning his attention behind Morte.

"Why later?" Silica asked confused. It was here, Tankmon slammed into Morte at such high speeds, the beater was sent into the sky.

"Damn it, this is why I hate the fact my name is JAMES!" Morte bellowed as he became a twinkling light in the sky.

"Ok, that was funny." Silica laughed.

Me: I share the same thought

Morte(James)(SAO) and James(Team Rocket)(Pokemon): we hate you

Me and anyone who gets the Pokémon reference: we love you too hahahahaha
Guest chapter 17 . 5/25/2019
Please continue this it has been very enjoyable to read I don't know why I was avoiding reading this but now that I have read it I want to see it's ending plus I think argomon may crap himself when he sees heathclif aka the dungeon master
MatarasBloodKnight chapter 17 . 3/18/2019
This story is awsome
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