Reviews for After a Normal Day
Awesomenesss-sama chapter 6 . 10/29/2015
I actually really like Emerald. Ship it, almost. Though Bipper is my OTP, so she has no chance against Bill.
familiar fan chapter 18 . 7/23/2015
Actually, Ii sort of prefer this ending. It's sweet and simple, and it shows more that Bill really wants to be with Dipper, even if it means to start with square one the honest way. The other one did sort of scream Stokholm Syndrome and pens up for a sequel, but so does this one. Either way, I enoyed this story. Thank you :)
Onyx Alluoi chapter 18 . 7/23/2015
Finish now!
BlueStar29 chapter 17 . 7/22/2015
Never be sorry for a long chapter! I loved this story! Every time I saw an update I was like, "oooooo!"

My favorite part was Dipper being on that date, and Bill sabotaged it.

Very well done!
A Fan chapter 17 . 7/21/2015
I actually love when you post a really long chapter, it gives me more to read before you update again. My favorite part would defiantly either be realizing that not only Dipper had forgotten about the deal but I got so caught up in them falling for eachother I forgot about the deal to or the chapter where Dipper went
on a date with Emmy and Bill was super jealous.
familiar fan chapter 17 . 7/21/2015
Aaaaaand bravo! It was nicely wrapped up, and I'm excited for the sequel. Well worth the wait! For me, the build up to the actual kidnapping was my favorite part (ch13-16). :)
Onyx Alluoi chapter 17 . 7/21/2015
Your friend doesn't have a heart! This wasn't an 'epic' ending this was a sad one! How could you toy with my feelings like that?! Have you no heart?! Where's the love, the feelings, the hot kisses!? I cried so many times reading this, bot out of happiness and sadness! My favorite part of the story was chapter fourteen, with the very hot and detailed sex! I had a nosebleed, twice! Please, please, PLEASE make an alternative ending, one that has a HAPPY ending. And if you would, please read my Monster Falls story. Thanks.
A Fan chapter 16 . 7/19/2015
Please do not make this the end I love your writing and especially this story so please continue this story!
hp772222 chapter 16 . 7/17/2015
I normally don't review fanfics, but I feel that with this story I should at least once. Your story has been one of my favorites by far to read for this pairing! It's very well written and enjoyable! You keep the characters pretty well in-character, and the suspense is present throughout making you want to read more immediately. Not many stories make me thrilled to see the notification when it's updated. I feel that it should definitely have an afterword. But, knowing there's an alternative ending certainly spikes my interest too! I can't wait to see the next update! Keep up the great, or should I say golden, writing!
familiar fan chapter 16 . 7/17/2015
It can't end here! There has to be an afterword! Or at least a sequel of some kind! Agh! He was so close! I do feel that more could have been done with the ghost, but that's okay... I'm going to reread the smut chapter now.
Onyx Alluoi chapter 16 . 7/17/2015

familiar fan chapter 15 . 7/14/2015
Shit is going down! See Bill, that's why you don't cheat. Wow, awesome chapter, so much happened! Gah, I'm excited! Now that he's knocked out, I don't think he'll finish this task. Oh, man, I'm so excited for the next chapter. Like, wow...
Onyx Alluoi chapter 15 . 7/14/2015
Oh no, Bill why?! I loved you! *sobs uncontrollably* Y-you stole is m-memory... y-y-you betrayed him! And me! O_O
I have nothing to say...
I hope this will all clear up and be good again...

Please update... and, if you would, make it happy and more loveable...

PM me when you can...

Onyx Alluoi chapter 14 . 7/13/2015
Thanks Katelena! I love love love love the smut! Absolutely beautiful and wonderful and awesome! As far as I know, your grammar, spelling, and punctuation was far more than awesome! But there was on et hinge that caught my attention:
"He dug and arm under the boy...'' He dug and arm..? Doesn't make sense, not a lot. AN arm would make more sense. The chapter was awesome, the grammar, spelling, punctuation, and everything was like I said, AWESOME! ((better than anything I could write!))

Wish I could've edited another way but, you gotta do what' cha gotta do right? Right? Right?
Can't wait for ''Round two~'' who else is with me? Love the sexiness in this chapter especially whatever-the-hell-things Bill used, with his naughty, sexy self. In the next chapter, put more description in the next chapter, not about the sex ((though that would be awesome)) but about their faces! Dipper's face, Bill's face and everything in the middle!

Hope you can update soon or later!~

((If anything, could you not make Emmy EVER come in the next chapters..? I really don't like her at ALL. I love your work, but dammit she gets on my nerves! She tried to take Dipper from Bill! And I was like, ''Oh, hell NO! Don't nobody take Pine Tree away from Bill! You'll be sooooooo freaking sorry!'' so yeah, if it wasn't too much trouble, please don't add her, she gets on my nerves!))

Sorry for the long review and all the stuff I repeated! I just love the chapter sooooooo much, please add more! I'm sorry for not being able to correct this in writing but here's your corrections! Even though you only had one mistake! Update soon!

familiar fan chapter 14 . 7/12/2015
You do not disappoint~ Aaaaaaaand on with the rest of the story!
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