Reviews for Protector of Man
KrisB-71854 chapter 5 . 12/15/2019
This is an interesting setup. Too bad that you didn't finish it. I'm guessing some Angel has been sent to explain things to Xander.

I'm rather iffy on an entire WoD cross with BtVS. You did a fair job of shoehorning in the Immortals. There are many of them that are just as wealthy and all that though. Their raw numbers are likely no where near the Kindreds though.

I liked Alex snarking on Willow. Xander thinks Willow is a genius. Alex thought she was a simpleton based on how she was acting. First impressions and all that.

I loved the entire vast memory download. I don't really mind Xander getting the Mark of Caine. I wouldn't want him to be a vampire or such though.

Xander's outfit was supposed to have been entirely fictional. Cain might have actually ended up transferring his Mark to Xander. Now wouldn't that be different. Cain mainly making a new childe and poof dying in the process.

I'm iffy on the Immortals just having long life and basically just being another set of prey in the WoD setting. Xander wasn't prey. There is no way that most Immortals were either. The Immortals should be the ones that could easily break through it an hunt anything preying on their species.

Just saying. Your excuse though is good at explaining why the two settings would exist, but not really interact.

I would have loved to see Athena/Dawn pair up with this Xander. In many ways she'd like that Mark being on him. That means that he'd be save and around while she'd be rather safe as a goddess/avatar. She's the Key so likely counted as a goddess to start with.

Thinking about it. The Key likely outranks the greek Gods. It's not really an actor though. It just exists. Now, you've given Dawn the ability to meld both and then there is Xander that will easily become her companion.

Xander might step back on the romance front though. He'd feel like he is too old for Joyce, much less Dawn, at the moment. With the appart aging, that feeling would be re-enforced.
shugokage chapter 5 . 1/25/2018
Interesting story!
Rangle chapter 5 . 11/30/2017
How interesting. It seems like you like to set up stories and then abandon them.
I'm hungry010 chapter 5 . 7/18/2017
This has to have the most potential I've seen from a BTVS fanfic I've read I just hope it continues
Ms. Lady Wolf chapter 5 . 5/17/2017
I wish there was more to this story. It could be epic if it continues as good as these chapters are. Thank You for posting these chapters and may your muse never leave you.
WBH21C chapter 5 . 3/19/2017
Great start!
XavierChaos chapter 5 . 11/5/2016
It's a shame that this has been left sitting for so long. I'd hope for it to be updated but it seems that anything with Xander as the MC is doomed to being left to rot. And this was turning out so fun and interesting
jeffery.gerbermartin chapter 5 . 10/5/2016
Where is the rest of this story at man?! It has been to long since the last time this was updated too! Hope to see more on it soon.
JimmnyCricket chapter 5 . 8/13/2016
u suck... not in a bad way just in the way of leaving us hanging there with no update..please come back to this story.
Hkblarg Et caetera chapter 5 . 5/13/2016
Is this dead?
kronos797 chapter 5 . 1/19/2016
so much want to read this
bigfan22 chapter 5 . 12/21/2015
With this story, I have now read through the trifecta of fics you have already written. While this particular concept has been done before in several stories(the best one I can recall is Forever Knight), I still look forward to seeing what you will come up with next. Based on the other fics I have read from you, it's obvious you are a talented writer, and I have no doubt your changes to canon events will be different to the ones seen with stories that also have an Immortal, or Vampire Xander. I really like the Dawn pairing, and it's a damn shame there aren't more fics with the two of them together. Since Dawn went as Athena, I wonder if that makes her a goddess now. Lol. Great job so far, and I can't wait to see what happens next. Hope we get another update soon.
NF chapter 5 . 12/17/2015
Keep writing more please
Guest chapter 5 . 10/31/2015
Okay, I have to say 2 things.
First the review: This is an awesome story so far, so please update soon. Please!
Second, the response to an earlier review: Please do not ruin this story with mindless smut and lemons. Don't get me wrong, when there is a place for sex within a story and it fits within the plot and it helps the story to move along, then that's fine, but for a person to just write lots of mindless smut and lemons ruins an otherwise great story by not fitting within the plot or helping the story to move along. I call that textual porn and I prefer not to read it as it is simply mindless and dull.
ArthurCadarn chapter 5 . 8/31/2015
Great story! I really like the way highlander was inserted in it and how you portraied Alexander the immortal's mindset! Update soon, pls!
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